Custom House Cut Meutia

in #aceh6 years ago

Cut Nyak Meutia is one of the national heroines of North Aceh, for 20 years he led the struggle against the Dutch colonial in his area Matangkuli that is from the year 1890-1990 M. From this house he is active in leading and setting the strategy of warfare. Custom House Cut Meutia can be found 3 km from Matangkuli village, Matangkuli district. Cut Meutia traditional house is fenced and rebuilt by the Government as a form of respect for the heroes of Aceh Women. Cut Nyak Meutia was killed on the Peutoe river by a Dutch soldier shooting on October 25, 1910. His tomb is located in Buket Panyang Village, which takes 2 days 2 nights on foot from his home which is the border between Matangkuli and Cot Girek sub-districts.



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This is an old photo

Di samping rumoh long nyan ,menye jak Pakat" lah bg

Wate lon jak lom lon pakat beh

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