North Aceh Widest Forest Damage Year 2017

in #aceh7 years ago (edited)

Munawir Abdullah

FRIENDS based on data I got from Yayasan Hutan Alam dan Lingkungan Aceh (HAkA). Deforestation rates (deforestation) in Aceh have been declining for the period 2016 - 2017. Aceh's forest cover area for the period 2016 - 2017 covering 17,333 hectares (ha). Whereas two years earlier, namely; in 2015 Aceh forest destruction figures reach 21,000 hectares (ha).

There was a decrease of about 3,667 hectares (ha), or about 17.46%. However, based on data from HAkA, Aceh Utara is the largest area of ​​forest destruction for 2017. North Aceh suffered 2,348 hectares of forest (ha) or 13.5%, both Aceh Tengeh area of ​​1,928 hectares (ha) or about 11 , 1% and the third of South Aceh area of ​​1,850 hectares (ha) or about 10.7%.

The condition is directly proportional to the increase in floods that occurred in North Aceh district at the end of 2017 ago. The data is an input as an evacuation material for North Aceh Regency in repairing forest area damage. One of the steps and efforts to improve the existing forest area in North Aceh is through a review of the Qanun Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) of North Aceh Regency.

The public should support the plan as an effort to diversify forest areas in Aceh. Even if not expanded forest areas that need to be protected in the RTRW Review, at least the protected areas should not be reduced. Another solution to save the forest area in North Aceh District through firm action for forest encroachers.

And tighten the permit of forest area utilization to the manager. If any existing permits, then the Government should tighten to supervise the operations in the field. If the company found a lively field in the utilization of forest areas to conduct activities that can damage the environment, should be given strict sanctions.

If necessary for the company that commits an offense, the license must be revoked.

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