Congratulations on his wisudanya good luck and his knowledge useful for self, family and society and nation and religion.

in #aceh6 years ago

Congratulations on his wisudanya good luck and his knowledge useful for self, family and society and nation and religion.
graduation and graduation is a graduation to the 13th and graduation with students and students in dayah Darul Ihsan Krueng Kalee ..
following a brief profile of Dayah darul Ihsan Krueng Kalee Aceh ..
Teungku Hasan was born in Meunasah Ketembu evacuation, Sangeue settlement, Pidie district during the war between Acehnese royal soldiers and the people of Aceh with Dutch soldiers. [4] [5] He is the son of the great aceh cleric, Teungku Haji Muhammad Hanafiah, who is also a close friend of the national hero Teungku Shaykh Muhammad Saman Tiro (Teungku Cik di Tiro). [2]

Since childhood Teungku Hasan studied Islamic education from his own father, in addition he also studied at several meunasah (Islamic schools) in his village. [1] Then he continued his education to several dayah (pesantren) that is around Pidie. [1] The first Dayah he visited to deepen the Islamic sciences of Dayah Teungku Chik in Keubok Teungku Musannif care. [5]

In 1906, Teungku Hasan went to Yan, Keudah, Malaysia to deepen the various sciences he had gained earlier. [4] He sent his father to learn to Dayah Yan and studied to Teungku H. Muhammad Arsyad, a great scholar who came from the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. [4] Dayah Yan is the center of Islamic education in the Malay Peninsula. [4]

After finishing his studies at Dayah Yan, in 1910, Teungku Hasan went to Mecca to perform the pilgrimage as well as to continue higher education at the Islamic education center at the Grand Mosque of Mecca. [4] There he studied with great scholars and masayikh (professors) in the Grand Mosque. [4] Among his teachers are:

Syaikh Said Al-Yamani Umar bin Fadil
Syaikh Khalifah
Syaikh Said Abi Bakar Ad-Dimyaty
Syaikh Yusuf An-Nabhany
Syaikh Abdullah Isma’il
Syaikh Hasan Zamzami
Syaikh Abdul Maniem



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Hy.. thanx friends..

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