in #aceh7 years ago

The city is a human work that is utilized by man in his life to run all kinds of activities with all kinds of facilities and infrastructure. The city becomes a place for complex and sometimes contradictory plurality of humanity. City must have a strategic spatial, so that the city functions can be enjoyed for all residents both geographically, as well as the functionality of facilities contained within the city.

Many parameters and variables affect the changing circumstances and needs of a city. One of them is the changing social life of the people who live in it. When people feel that the change of life and needs it becomes a necessity, then a city will inevitably follow the flow of changes that occur in the social life of the community.

Lhokseumawe, selintas gak ada yang spesial dari kota kecil yang dikelilingi air ini, dengan luas sekitar beberapa km persegi dan hanya punya 5 kecamatan, praktis kehidupannya pun biasa aja..tapi dalam hidup saya, 17 tahun mengabdi pada kota tempat sebuah cita-cita diacungkan, tempat sebuah pelabuhan cinta didermagakan, tempat sebuah tongkat harapan ditegakkan, dan tempat sebuah penghuni sasana hati kini kutinggalkan.. Sangat tidak mungkin, semua kenangan di kota Lhokseumawe terlupakan, setiap langkah di sisi kota mempunyai memori, setiap jengkal tanah yang dipandang punya arti yang dalam.. oke, cukup nostalgia kita, untuk urusan Lhokseumawe, Penulis tak harus menjadi Sang Pemimpi
Banda Aceh udah diceritain tiap sudut sejarahnya, Sabang juga udah dijelajahi tiap titik objek wisatanya, Lamno dengan pesona serba birunya (hhe..) juga udah disimpan dalam hardisk 120 G kepunyaan Dell Biru ini.. Sekarang saatnya menjelajahi Lhokseumawe, kota Petrodolar yang kini tengah beranjak dewasa menjadi kota perdagangan.

Lhokseumawe, a city that looks on the map, is shaped like a sea trench, like a bay and perfect for the harbor. Throughout Lhokseumawe city surrounded by water, from Banda Sakti, until Ujong Blang, Pusong and Cunda, only bridge cunda wrote that connects the town of Lhokseumawe in Sumatra mainland, hence the name of Lhokseumawe was taken from the geographical situation of this, Lhok which means bay, and Seumawe illustrate the many Springs along the coastline that surrounds the city. The oldest village in the city is Uteun Bayi, and the largest is Teumpok Teungoh (eyebrow time still in lhokseumawe, hhe). The name of Lhokseumawe itself has changed, in the era of still entering the 20th century Mukim Kutablang, Lhokseumawe city began to become Dutch colony, many of the rest of the Dutch relics such as SMU 1, SLTP 1, Kodam and Kodim, Immigration Office and BI, Bank Mandiri Merdeka, Port Pardede, and others are still many can be found, except SMU 1 which has been completely overhauled by developers

In 1903, the name was changed to Bestuur van Lhokseumawe Lhokseumawe, with regional head Teuku Abdul Lhokseumawe subordinate aspirants in Lhokseumawe domiciled Controeleur and also Controleur or district officer and Assistant Resident or regent. In the second decade of the 20th century, among the entire mainland of Aceh, a small island with an area of ​​approximately 11 km2 (the capital city of Lhokseumawe now) separated the river Krueng Cunda filled buildings of the General Government, Military and Connecting Railways by the Dutch Government. Small island with villages Keude Aceh village, Kampung Jawa, Kampung Kutablang, Mon Geudong Kampung, Kampung Teumpok Teungoh, Hagu Kampung, Kampung Uteun Babies and Kampung Ujong Blang and 5,500 new whole, in the plural is called Lhokseumawe. Building by building fills the land until it embodies a city embryo that has a harbor, market, railway station and government agency offices. The Japanese population, Zelf Bestuurder Lhokseumawe no longer held Maharaja, but from 1942 to 1946 held his son Teuku Baharuddin.

Since the Proclamation of Independence, the Government of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has not been formed systematically until this subdistrict. At first Lhokseumawe combined with Bestuurder van Cunda. The population of this landed land more crowded coming from the surrounding areas such as Buloh Blang Ara, Matangkuli, Lhoksukon, Blang Jruen, Nisam and Cunda and Pidie and become part of North Aceh District.

On 14 August 1986 The establishment of the Lhokseumawe Administrative Town (Kotif) was carried out, as the beginning of the formation of the Lhokseumawe municipality initiated by the Aceh Utara Regent Karimuddin Hasybullah. Then, in 2000 the Regent of North Aceh, Tarmizi A. Karim, recommended to be the City of Lhokseumawe dated June 21, 2001, signed by President RI H. Abdurrahman Wahid. Then on October 17, 2001 inaugurated Pemko Lhokseumawe until now .. a very long history.

Lhokseumawe is big and growing as the industry grows in North Aceh, such as Industrial PT. Kertas Kraft Aceh (PT.KKA), PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT. Asean Aceh Fertilizer and EXXON Mobil - Arun. With the rapid economic growth of the large factories owned by the city of Lhokseumawe, it was not able to raise the level of life of most of the indigenous people of Lhokseumawe from below the poverty line.

Based on the results of geological research Department of Mining in the area of ​​Lhokseumawe City there is a Class C minerals in the form of limestone, soil timbun and sand / gravel. In addition there are also natural resources in the form of natural gas processing is done by PT. Arun NGL Co. The natural resources have been explored since 1975 by Mobil Oil Indonesia Inc (now Exxon Mobil) in North Aceh District, which is then being processed for export to overseas, the gas processing is utilized by Aromatix Plant built in 1998 and other large companies Such as fertilizer factory.

Lhokseumawe is the only city with two airports in Aceh, the ExxonMobil airport and Sultan Malikulsaleh Airport, and the only city with two universities in Aceh, Malikulsaleh University and the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic. Lhokseumawe now grows and develops as many shophouses are built as the impact of the less gas and petroleum sources contained in Arun. The residents who mostly migrants start many who return home, like me, hh ... and many original residents who started to open the business of trading services and products. Practically the luxurious life of the city-style petrodollars has begun to appear in Lhokseumawe. Lhokseumawe has many housing complexes, every factory that runs its production in Lhokseumawe has a housing complex for its employees, ranging from Bukit Indah to Exxon Mobil, Arun Complex, PIM Complex, AAF, and KKA. However, due to the depleting natural resources, the housing complexes were abandoned by their inhabitants, such as AAF, Bukit Indah, and KKA. The beginning of metamorfsis a city that once glorified the oil and natural gas, now stretched society began to switch to the trade industry of products and services, in addition to the livelihood of Civil Servants are very popular of course ..

  Lhokseumawe tourist attractions in Lhokseumawe not as much in other cities of Aceh, Mayor of Lhokseumawe Munir Usman began to build a culinary tourism center, such as Semadu beach in Muara Satu district or Ujong Blang beach in Lhokseumawe City. Again do not imagine Ujong Blang with other tourist beaches. In addition to only a row of beaches formerly hit by the tsunami, the means of infrastructure in place is limited to sit enjoying the snacks. The rest is just water, but it's okay, now there are plenty of places to sit enjoying the afternoon on the beach that has a nickname

Lhokseumawe topography is indeed shaped land that jutted into the sea, east and west side surrounded by bay and river flows that empties through the bridge Cunda. If you want to visit the white sandy beaches, you can travel to Ulee Rubek in the Village Ulee Rubek Kec. Seunuddon, 50 km from the city of Lhokseumawe. Or if bored with the beach, can also visit the baths Krueng Sawang. This place is a river whose water is very clear full of rocks, this place is a bath that busy visited by tourists. The air is cool, the environment is still natural, very worthy of being used as a camp site. This area is also known as a camp site. This area is also known as durian producer. There is also a waterfall Blang Pond in Sidomulyo Village. Unfortunately it takes a special time to get to this location which reportedly filled with wild birds.

Of all the location wiasata, it feels less if not yet visited the site of the kingdom of Ocean Pase. The Islamic Kingdom in North Aceh is the cornerstone of the entry of Islam into the archipelago. The influence of this kingdom even reached Southeast Asia. If heading to this place you can proceed to the location of Sawang Beach located in the village of Samudera Sawang Village. Here there are the tombs of Malikussaleh, Queen Nahrisyah and the sites of the tomb of royalty and famous scholars in the 13th century. The triumphs that once loomed disappeared into time.

The tomb of Malikulssaleh and his son Sultan Malikul Dhahir is located in Gampong Beuringen Kec. Ocean ± 17 km from City. Not far from that place, there is eating the Queen of Nahrisyah. The leader of Samudera Pasai Kingdom in 1416-1428 M. His tomb is located in Gampong Kuta Krueng Samudera District. Just a few steps there is the tomb Teungku Peuet Ploh Peuet (44) buried 44 people from the Kingdom of Samudera Pasai king who was killed for opposing and forbade the marriage of the king with his biological daughter. And do not ask the care of these tombs. Lhokseumawe is a city that does not appreciate its historical heritage ....

Based on the Marcopolo news in 1292 and Ibn Battuta. In 1267 the first Islamic kingdom was established in Indonesia, the kingdom of Samudra Pasai. The Sultanate of Samudera Pasai, also known as Ocean, Pasai, or Samudera Darussalam, is an Islamic empire located on the northern coast of Sumatra, approximately around the city of Lhokseumawe, North Aceh right now.

The kingdom of Pasai Ocean stands around the 13th century by Nazimuddin Al Kamil, an Egyptian sea laksamana. In 1283 Pasai can dikaklukannnya, then raised Marah Silu became the first King of Kings titled Sultan Malik Al Saleh (1285 - 1297). Tomb of Nahrasyiah Tri Ibn Battutah, a famous Muslim traveler from Morocco, recorded a very memorable thing for himself while visiting a kingdom on the east coast of Sumatra around the year 1345 AD. After sailing for 25 days from Barhnakar (Myanmar), Battuta landed in a very fertile place. Trade in the area is very advanced, marked by the use of gold coins.

In the time of Sultan Malikul Dhahir, Samudera Pasai developed into an international trading center. The port is enlivened by Asian, African, Chinese and European traders. During the 13th to early 16th century, Pasai Ocean was known as a city in the Malacca Strait with the busiest port city. Along with Pidie, Pasai became the center of international trade with pepper as one of the main export commodities.

Pasai also became the center of Islamic development in the archipelago. Most of the Muslim mubalig who came to Java and other areas came from Pasai even the marriage relationship. Call it Sunan Kalijaga married child Maulana Isaac, Sultan Pasai. Sunan Gunung Jati alias Fatahillah persistent against Portuguese colonialism was born and raised in Pasai. Admiral Zheng He also recorded a visit to Pasai. While Fatahilah, a leading cleric Pasai married the sister of Sultan Trenggono (king of Demak / sister Patih Unus / son Raden Patah). Fatahilah successfully seized Sunda Kelapa (June 22, 1522) changed its name to Jayakarta, also Cirebon and Banten

The people of Aceh Utara have a very interesting cultural heritage, which is generally rooted in Islamic values. This can be seen from various community activities in the field of art and culture such as dances, ceremonies - custom ceremonies, social manners, the results - the results of crafts, all thick with nuances of Islami.

The people of Aceh Utara have long lived in agriculture, plantation and others. The Aceh Utara area has developed a variety of arts: dance, drama, literature, theater, the arts / sculpture and various other arts. Aceh dance is accompanied by sound vocals and sometimes with Rapai, Serune Kale, Canang. The art of dance in Aceh Utara has long been developed, especially traditional arts are generally traditional art is done on the night of the bright moon, after the harvest season is completed, usually overnight until morning, the type of art in North Aceh is growing and very liked like: Seudati / Saman , Rapai Pasai, Rapai Dabus, Rapai Lahee, Rapai Grimpheng, Rapai Pulot, Alue Tunjang, Poh Kipah, Aceh Violin, Meurukon, Drama Aceh and Aceh Hikayat.

The people of Lhokseumawe would need to care and appreciate the history and the natural environment, not only busy with development and lulled by the heyday of oil and gas. If not, Lhokseumawe will only be a Forgotten Memory