Cake pandan lapis pudding coktail/ cake pandan layered pudding cocktail.

in #aceh6 years ago

Cake Pandan Lapis Pudding Koktail

Resep Baru yang layak anda coba.


4 butir telur
100 gram tepung terigu, ayak
100 gram gula kastor
100 gram margarin, lelehkan
1 sdt SP( cake emulsifier)
20 gram susu bubuk
5 tetes pasta pandan

Pudding Koktail:

2 butir putih telur
10 gram bubuk agar
70 gram gula kastor
400 ml susu segar tanpa rasa
200 ml air
200 gram koktail

  1. Siapkan loyang segi empat, oles dengan margarin dan taburi dengan sedikit tepung terigu. Kocok telur, gula, dan SP dengan kecepatan tinggi. Kocok hingga putih mengental. Masukkan tepung terigu, susu bubuk, dan maizena.

  2. Aduk perlahan hingga rata. Tuang margarin cair sedikit demi sedikit. Aduk rata. Tuang pasta pandan. Aduk perlahan hingga merata.

  3. Tuang adonan kedalam loyang yang telah disiapkan.

  4. Panggang dalam oven dengan suhu 175 °C selama ± 30 – 45 menit.Setelah matang, keluarkan dari oven belah menjadi dua bagian. Sisihkan.

  1. Pudding koktail: larutkan bubuk agar, gula, air, dan susu. Aduk perlahan masak diatas api kecil hingga mendidih. Matikan api dan angkat biarkan suam-suam kuku.

  2. Kocok putih telur sampai kaku, tuang rebusan agar sambil dikocok sampai rata. Masukkan koktail, aduk rata.

  3. Letakkan satu bagian cake sebagai dasar loyang, tuang pudding diatas kemudian tutup kembali dengan cake sambil sedikit ditekan agar menempel. Masukkan dalam lemari pendingin hingga mengeras. Jika telah mengeras, keluarkan dari loyang.potong-potong dan sajikan dingin.


Cake Pandan Layered Pudding Cocktail
A New recipe that is worthy of your try.
4 eggs
100 grams of wheat flour, sift
100 grams of caster sugar
100 grams of margarine, melt
1 tsp SP( cake emulsifier)
20 grams of milk powder
5 drops of pandan paste
Pudding Cocktail:
2 egg whites
10 grams of the powder so
70 grams caster sugar
400 ml fresh milk without flavor
200 ml of water
200 grams cocktail

  1. Prepare a baking sheet rectangle, spread with margarine and sprinkle with a little flour. Beat the eggs, sugar, and SP at high speed. Beat until the white thickens. Enter the flour, milk powder, and cornstarch.
  2. Stir slowly until blended. Pour melted margarine little by little. Mix well. Pour the pandan paste. Stir slowly until evenly distributed.
  3. Pour the batter into the prepared pan.
  4. Bake in the oven with a temperature of 175 °C for ± 30 – 45 minutes.Once cooked, remove from the oven split into two parts. Set aside.
  5. Pudding cocktail: dissolve powdered agar, sugar, water, and milk. Stir slowly cook above small fire until boiling. Turn off the heat and lift let the lukewarm.
  6. Beat the egg whites until stiff, pour the stew so he whipped until blended. Enter the cocktail, stir well.
  7. Place one piece of cake as the base of a baking dish, pour the pudding above then cover the back with the cake while slightly pressed in order to stick. Enter in the refrigerator until hardened. If it has hardened, remove from the pan.cut into slices and serve cold.

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