Polisi Tangkap Remaja Diduga Menghina Allah di Facebook, Foto Babak Belur Beredar di MedsossteemCreated with Sketch.

in #aceh6 years ago

Sat Reskrim Polres Pidie secures a teenager D (19) Kembang Tanjong, Pidie.

D was arrested by police in Detention Center of Class Two of Sigli on Sunday (8/4/2018) at around 22.00 WIB, because he was serving a case of livestock theft.

D arrest for alleged offense of hate speech on facebook and WhatsApp app.

The arrest of teenagers was rapidly circulating widely in social media (medsos). In fact, D-photos whose battered condition circulated quickly on facebook and WhatsApp.

"Photo of a battered D teenager circulating in medsos is an old photo when D is judged by mass of stolen livestock case," said Police Criminal Investigation Officer Pidie, AKP Mahliadi ST MM, told Serambinews.com last night.

He added that the teenager was arrested by police in Rutan Sigli because he was serving the stolen sentence of livestock.

Arrest D, said Mahliadi, the teenager was alleged to have hate speech in Medsos and WhatsApp applications.

Police secure the proof (BB) one smartphone.

"Initially D claimed not to do hate speech in medsos, but after taken information D recognize it," said Invisible Reskrim Polres Pidie.

According to him, the results of police examination, that D wrote cuitan in medsos, panic after the decision of his girlfriend. Then added facebook users, which provoked his anger.

"At that time, D could not think anymore because of the burden on the head so that D wrote sentences containing hate speech," concluded AKP Mahliadi.



Sat Reskrim Polres Pidie mengamankan seorang remaja berisial D (19) warga Kembang Tanjong, Pidie.

D ditangkap polisi di Rumah Tahanan (Rutan) Kelas Dua Sigli, Minggu (8/4/2018) sekitar pukul 22.00 WIB, karena sedang menjalani hukuman kasus pencurian hewan ternak.

Penangkapan D karena dugaan melakukan tindak pidana ujaran kebencian di facebook dan aplikasi WhatsApp.

Penangkapan remaja itu cepat beredar luas di media sosial (medsos). Bahkan, foto-foto D yang kondisinya babak belur beredar cepat di facebook dan WhatsApp.

"Foto remaja D yang babak belur yang beredar di medsos merupakan foto lama saat D dihakimi massa kasus mencuri binatang ternak," tukas Kasat Reskrim Polres Pidie, AKP Mahliadi ST MM, kepada Serambinews.com, tadi malam.

Ia menambahkan, remaja tersebut ditangkap polisi di Rutan Sigli karena sedang menjalani hukuman mencuri binatang ternak.

Penangkapan D, kata Mahliadi, remaja itu diduga telah melakukan ujaran kebencian di medsos dan aplikasi WhatsApp.

Polisi mengamankan barang-bukti (BB) satu smartphone.

"Awalnya D mengaku tidak melakukan ujaran kebencian di medsos, tapi setelah diambil keterangan D mengakuinya," ujar Kasat Reskrim Polres Pidie.

Menurutnya, hasil pemeriksaan polisi, bahwa D menulis cuitan di medsos, panik setelah diputuskan pacarnya. Kemudian ditambah pengguna facebook, yang memancing kemarahan dirinya.

"Saat itu, D tidak sanggup berpikir lagi karena beban di kepala sehingga D menulis kalimat berisi ujaran kebencian," pungkas AKP Mahliadi.

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