The Role of Radio Rimba Raya for Indonesian Independence.

in #aceh6 years ago (edited)

Radio has been used since ancient times when the use of old radio was used more in its use to provide important information about the events that occurred.

Radio telah digunakan sejak zaman kuno ketika penggunaan radio lama digunakan lebih dalam penggunaannya untuk memberikan informasi penting tentang peristiwa yang terjadi.


In the struggle of the nation's children for the liberation of Indonesia from the Dutch colonial, Radio plays played a very important role in providing information to the world about the condition of Indonesia at that time. One of the radio that was able to tell the world about the condition of Indonesia at that time was the Radio the Rimba Raya that was broadcast on the plateau of gayo in the province of Aceh. At that time the territory of Indonesia was ravaged and already in the master of the Dutch and almost took over the territory of Indonesia to the Dutch with an international signing is held in the UK, but the signing failed because of denial from the radio Rimba Raya.

Dalam perjuangan anak bangsa untuk pembebasan Indonesia dari penjajahan Belanda, Radio memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam memberikan informasi kepada dunia tentang kondisi Indonesia saat itu. Salah satu radio yang mampu menceritakan kepada dunia tentang kondisi Indonesia saat itu adalah Radio Rimba Raya yang disiarkan di dataran Gayo di Provinsi Aceh. Pada saat itu wilayah indonesia telah dirusak dan sudah di master Belanda dan hampir mengambil alih wilayah indonesia ke belanda dengan penandatanganan internasional diadakan di inggris, tetapi penandatanganan gagal karena penolakan dari radio Rimba Raya.


Radio Rimba Raya told the world that Indonesia still exists and we are now broadcasting it from Aceh although actually aceh is another country and not part of indonesia.

Radio Rimba Raya mengatakan kepada dunia bahwa Indonesia masih ada dan kita sekarang menyiarkannya dari Aceh meskipun sebenarnya Aceh adalah Negara lain dan bukan bagian dari indonesia.

So the world believes that Aceh is the only area that can not be controlled by the Dutch at that time thanks to the resistance of the fighters who are not afraid to die, but the requirements of Indonesian independence should join Aceh so that Bung Karno asked Aceh to join Indonesia to reach freedom.

Thanks @afril


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