We Hope UNESCO Can Protect the Historical Site of Thousands of Engraved Tombs

in #aceh7 years ago (edited)


Aceh in Indonesia have full of endless barns of history to study. Various segments History in the past became an important record of a nation.


One of the historic proofs still alive today are the thousands of beautiful tombstones (Tombs) exposed throughout Aceh, some of the points that have eaten with various stone carvings, can be found in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Pidie, Pidie Jaya, Bireue, North Aceh Takengon To Perlak Aceh Timur even and region of the South Cross.

Aceh hope Government will register a unique and history-filled tombstone to UNESCO an Organization that handles the site Culture, History and Nature Reserve. This is done to get attention and recognition in the eyes of the world. "Knowing Aceh's Tombstone as an Islamic Cultural Heritage of Southeast Asia",
"The Aceh government will also register to UNESCO, so that Aceh's gravestone gets recognition as Islamic Civilization in Southeast Asia," History proves Islam and Aceh something inseparable. It can not be separated from the existence of Aceh as the entrance gate of Islam in the archipelago and Southeast Asia.
Generous explains, one of the traces of Islam is very rich in color in Aceh is a gravestone contained in ancient tombs in various areas in Aceh.

The color of the tombstone not only illustrates how closely the Acehnese culture relates to Islam but also illustrates the magnificent beauty of stone art.

There are thousands of tombstones in Aceh are Islamic nuances contained in old tombs, including the tomb Kings of Sultan Malikul Saleh which is estimated to exist since the 12th century and dozens of other kings who have ruled in the past as well as ministers in the kingdom Aceh Darussalam before finally Aceh joined the state Indonesia.

"Interestingly, this tombstone art is not only developed in Aceh. But it is also found in a number of old tombs in Malaysia, Brunei and Southern Thailand"

Please share and steem this article if useful.

Thank you for upvote and follow @abunagaya

art made so long ago and still being consumed and enjoyed. when will the UNESCO decision to help or not be made known? I hope they can help preserve and study these precious relics from a past that we should know more about. Thank you for sharing these pictures and your article

I see tombstones has a wonderful sculpture, written thousands of stones spread across our provinces, which already made hundreds even thousands of years ago ... Therefore we hope that UNESCO can learn the history of this site and preserve it. .. Thank you for comments @ussiebear This is very wonderful

Tombstone has a very deep meaning for the people of Aceh, not just to easily recognize the owner of the Grave. But Tombstone has a very deep history for the history of the Kingdom of Aceh, which is thick with Arabic Culture, especially Aceh is known as the Veranda of Mecca, meaning that Aceh is one of the regions that have strong Islamic values, albeit very far to equate between Aceh and Saudi Arabia. The pride that is owned by the Society is the entry of Islam into the archipelago through the Kingdom of Aceh, and the people of Aceh including prominent figures against the entry of Islam into the archipelago. Even Sultan Iskandar Muda and Sultan Alaidinsyah are the figures among many other Acehnese figures. So it is very reasonable that gravestones have a high historical value in Aceh, because the tombstone is identical with Islam.
Best regards steemians "Steemit Community of Indonesia and Aceh"

You are right @ safwaninisam, this tombstone gives an important historical record for a nation, it is the identity of a nation, Acehnese people have a very strong foundation of the Indonesian nation, with evidence of historical evidence, beautifully etched tombstones spread throughout Aceh a real proof. thanks for atttention your comment at my blog. i hope u can to resteem this blog fo the world and UNESCO.

Luar biasa bg @abunagaya.. Semoga situs sejarah di Aceh yang sudah banyak dilupakan oleh kalangan kami yang muda, bisa kembali bangkit dan tentunya keseriusan pemerintah untuk mengajukan hal ini ke Unesco akan kita dukung penuh. Salam Sejarah bg @abunagaya

Interesting post, thankyou for sharing @abunagaya.

Saya berharap @nazarwills bisa membantu share artikel ini, karena ini menganai usaha pemerintah Aceh ke Unesco, agar situs sejarah kita dapat dilindungi oleh Dunia.

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