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RE: The Daily - 20180409

in #accountability6 years ago

Hey Paul,

I LOVE this new series. It's a great way to end the day clear on insights to help the next day's results manifest more reliably.

Those wonderful politicians can't help but change things each year.

Another example of some changes not necessarily serving the better good.

I cannot wait for education, health and passionate work to all evolve on this planet. It won't happen until enough of us insist in no uncertain terms that it must, so I try to keep myself distracted while helping individuals and small groups manifest their transformation regardless.

The only thing that I couldn't supply readily is the massive socialisation that he would benefit from by attending school.

I homeschooled for a year. Must sister still does with her little while her older is now in university, having been homeschooled all the way through.

I made arrangements with a forward-thinking school that the kids go in for certain classes, including sports, science... can't remember what else now. They also did music at another school and karate. There are ways you can build in the necessary socialization if and when that becomes your choice, Paul.

HUGE Congratzz on writing more consistently, especially fiction. And yes, please increase water. Anytime I get a headache, or start to, I drink water and bye-bye. ;)

Great post! You are making such great strides and sooo quickly. Thank you!!! xox

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