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RE: The Sound Of My Voice is immune To Social Divide, Listen—“Hello.”

in #accent5 years ago

Good morning Sweed, thank you for checking out this article, your responses always elevate my mood. You’ve always been encouraging and educating, this one’s no different, thanks man.

You know, about the shootings, Pura and I were talking about that actually, they do an excellent (superior) job in the UK shielding is from the shootings. Had Pura not heard about it on her instagram, this would be the first I’ve heard about it. I’m very impressed with the UK’s ability to shield their people from that side of the media. Nobody around here heard about any shootings. God bless the victims and, the 5 year old and the child’s family, what you said about “for something as simple as a voice” was perfectly said—thank you sir.

And thanks for telling me I handled the situation correctly with silence. I’ve been thinking I should’ve handled it differently and say what I thought, I could've belittled everyone around me with tact and purpose but I was so disturbed, I chose silence. Thanks for pointing out that you agree.

As far as bringing you along on our adventures—my pleasure! I’m equally thankful you’re interested, Bob. Have a great weekend you guys.

Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed.


There was just one thing that I wanted to add to my original reply and overlooked, you are a GREAT WRITER @dandays

Would you understand how much I appreciate this compliment if I told you it’s just as valuable to me as an ocd or curie visit? What about that and one of these?


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