Does Steemit really need to endure this ?

in #abuse8 years ago

How is this acceptable and OK ? Is Steemit eventually going to have some kind of mechanism against this ?

I realize the internet is not at all a "safe place", that everyone has the right to free speech, and that the way Steemit currently operates, this isn't "against the rules" ...

But come on , this is ridiculous , are we going to allow such despicable actions push away a very active contributing artist and writer because some misogynistic stalker thinks that early stories by @lauralemons aren't real ?

Earnest / Feminism's latest threat against @lauralemons :

take a look at @earnest 's history, more of the same attacks and threats , and judge for yourselves .

What is stopping this person from creating new accounts and doing this forever ?

This has to stop .


Mute is all that can be done, really.

Better than giving account kill switches to recent college grads and interns working at Twitter or Facebook.

if only the Mute option actually did something. I understand that having a complete "ignore user" function could be considered censorship, but seriously, how else could Steemit protect (strong word, I know) someone from such abuse and attacks ?

"What is stopping this person from creating new accounts and doing this forever ?"

How can that be stopped? Best you can do is ip ban, and he can get new IP addresses...

Yeah I have thought of that myself. But maybe if a perma-ip ban was in place and he created a new acct that was obviously him he could be reported and banned again and eventually if he had to create a new ip address every time he wanted to create a new account he may give up? I don't know it is honestly a really hard thing to stop thats why in my blog I just called people to let the reputation system do it's job and now he has -2. So, his comments are auto hidden. When a person makes an account to leave things like "coming for you" and "open that asshole" and "I am going to fuck you up if you keep being the stupid little bitch you are" on a users account relentlessly they deserve to be hidden. So, maybe that is all we can do? That and once he is in the negatives, try to ignore him and give him no satisfaction. I mainly just wanted him to be hidden again like he deserves.

Yeah, I totally agree with you that this shit sucks and should not stand. It's just... all he has to do to get a new IP address is walk over to the next coffee shop. At least he's hidden for now...

Eventually the stalker gets tired, or a new target diverts their attention. You just have to be patient with these things. They eventually fizzle out.

It's been more than a month now, and this person still goes for it with personnal attacks. In theory, not feeding the troll should starve it out, but how much can a target take before that happens ? ... There has to be a better way.

I would be for an option to completely ignore a user, that means not seeing that person's posts, replies, and preventing that person from affecting the vote count and potential payouts. I realize some may call this censorship, but how else can you prevent obvious trolls from affecting a poster ? not everyone has a thick skin, even then, at some point, some stuff eventually gets to you no matter what ... How can Steemit as a community help with that ?

He's not getting tired as long as he knows he is visible to the receiver.

I've posted a petition on this issue.

tell her you agree :)

dont waste your time, she is a fucking idiot, you will learn this in time.

Nothing to be done, however, we as a community can come together to down vote this person and their abusive behavior. We must offer some sort of group protection. At least there will be no monies shared and at some point they will hopefully get tired of being an asshat and learn that they are not welcome here.

And as soon as I posted this, that person went and flagged three of my posts. Tsk tsk.

Wtf?! I hope this is resolved now!


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