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in #abuse7 years ago (edited)

I am working my ass off and I am creating content and lessons for Steemit, supporting all the new paltforms that are trying to make Steemit better.

I help to bring more people to the platform and im growing it and working with promo steem and all the other platforms like dtube, dlive, smartsteem.

You're also making a lot of money, and may I ask, why do you never upvote all your loyal fans who comment ? And why you never comment on their posts ? You're just part of a whale circle all looking out for each other....your content is good, but only as good as hundreds of other people on here who dont get your publicity or rewards......You play the system better than anyone. Don't be suprised if it bites back once in a while.


Yeah, I see what you're saying. But she's not doing anything technically "wrong" buy not upvoting her fans and showing gratitude. It may look like she's being ungrateful, selfish and self-centered, but if that bothers you, then unsubscribe. I wouldn't go out of my way to show hate.

I'm not showing hate at all. I'm passing a fair and polite comment based upon what I see. If people publically speak, then commentators may agree or disagree. I commented upon the fact the lady extolled her own virtues in regard to the community and I disagreed based on what I see. Thats all. She produces good content and nice food. I watch her videos and don't upvote simply because she has plenty of upvotes from her autovoting whale fan club. This community should be around sharing and its not. That's sad. No hate, just comment and dislike but shown in hopefully a respectful manner!

Not saying your "The Hater." I'm saying Randowhale was showing hate by downvoting.

Now you said something interesting to me:

This community should be around sharing and its not.

What should be shared? Good content or the reward pool?

I ask because it's a curious thing. Are we supposed to behave the same or differently in Steemit vs Facebook?

On Facebook, if I post something, I don't normally go out and upvote all my commentator's comments. Granted, I totally do here on Steemit. I figure, I have 100% SP to spread, why not upvote all my commentators...but that's just me.

I think we do, I also upvote anyone who takes the time and interest in anything I've written by passing comment. It doesnt hurt you personally so why not do it? The problem I see at these higher levels is they all have mates on here from the early days and stick within that circle just taking care of each other. Thats a general observation and doesn't apply to all... This is very different to FB theres money at stake and all the good, and bad that it brings !

@nathen007 I am so tired of people like you. Please unfollow me if you are so jealous of success. I do comment a lot and I do vote my loyal fans, you are definitely not one of them. I use all my votes on good content accounts that are voted automatically by smart steem and I have given them my permission, here is the picture of all the new people that are producing amazing content and I have voted for :
Screen Shot 2018-03-12 at 09.40.06.png

Screen Shot 2018-03-12 at 09.40.17.png

Its 11 pages long and these are in the last week or so! What I do with my votes and my comments is my choice and this is a decentralised platform. Just because in your opinion I should be doing something else, doesn't make it right or wrong. You do what you need to do and what you consider is good and I will do what I wanna do. So stop putting your nose into other peoples businesses and spreading hate. Go to facebook for that! Steemit originally was created for other reasons.

@thruth-be-told I appreciate your comments, but please dont call me names - I am not self centred and selfish. I worked my ass off and I deserve what I make, if people actually like @nathen007 spent less time hating and complaining and writing hate messages , they might have had more time producing good content or making "friends" on this platform! Like you said really well unsubscribe if you dont like my content or what I do, nobody is asking you to stay here. Have a good day!

Do you know what 'hate; actually means ? I dont 'hate' anything. I dislike things and there is huge difference. As you correctly pointed out, this is a decentralised community and thus it is my business as much as it is yours. If you don't want comments, don't post.

I worked my ass off and I deserve what I make

Many people work their ass off and make nothing like you do but at least do it with humility and gratitude. I see nothing but self appreciation and an inflated ego from your offerings. If you can't accept the rough with the smooth and accept you can't please all of the people all of the time then you're in the wrong job. How about you mute me if you don't want to see my comments ?

muting you now! goodbye!

Whoever downvoted is also not doing anything technically wrong.

Anyone can flag anyone as they please.

not really, there are rules why you flag someone.

  1. Plagirism
  2. Abuse

That is it, you dont flag anyone else because you decided to. This platform wasnt created like that! Plus every time you flag you lose your power.

Also, disagreement on rewards and spam.

Btw, these are some Common reason to flag,and they are at best guidelines, not rules.

The others reasons are: whatever you want.

This is How the system works, and yes, this platform is created exactly like that.

The Lost of voting power to flag is where the game theory mentioned on the whitepaper.

If everyone Just flag everyone, everyone loses.
If everyone only upvote everyone, scammers and spammers Win.
If most of flags are well used, its a positive sum for the community as a whole.

You shouldn't be so pissed of about the flag. It is part of the system, and It didnt hurt your rewards in general. You are still getting more rewards than most of others users Will ever get (1.074,31 token rewards for the next 7 days at the time of this writting), so, no big damages.

And also, as a big player (23k SP) think you should be more Active in giving around some flags to posts here and there that don't add Any value to the community.

The problem is that when big players like you complain that much about a one time flag, you set the example that "flags are inherently bad" to your followers, wich Will encourage them to never use their flags, even on low value contents.

Dont't be mad If you get some flags from time to time. It Will happen, but If your content is good (wich in your case, most of it is good), the upvotes Will override the eventual flag that you will probably recieve from time to time.

What we all need is to not take the flags as a personal offense, but as a part of the system, and use them when we think we have to.

PS: i really like your food. Too bad my cooking skills aren't at that level.

i dont care about the money with flag, its not nice but that wasnt my point. read my post. Flagging for no reason is abuse. And i found out the reason why i was flagged. Not because of me or my content, but because bernie sanders went after a guy who voted for me twice. and said he will downvote every single person who he voted for. So i was just part of that game like many other users. You only have been on steemit since november 2017... flagging was created for spamming and plagirism and abuse. but not for whatever reason. I have flagged plagirism and spamming many times. But i dont want to go and waste my time looking for things to flag, i focus on positive things and spend my time creating. But ultimately you can do that if you want and flag around , its your choice.


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