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RE: Every post of mine is getting flagged for no reason by starjuno, haeijin's proxy account. 11 flags in the morning, 2 already and more to follow after today's post

in #abuse6 years ago

I wasn't justifyng his actions or anybody elses I was just pointing out that the use of flagging as a means of silencing users is something that both sides have been doing and in both cases personally I am against it.I felt sorry for karamyog having experienced the same just from other people but I did feel its important to point out that saying thank you to bullies while writing about how bad bullying is didn't in my opinion show much intergrity if you want to condemn a type of behaviour that has to apply to everybody the same applies to the whole reward pool rape theme if self voting is to be condemned then why attack haejin for doing so yet allow and even reward bernie for doing it? How is using a bidbot more ok than self voting? Because the whales get fed as well while you do so? sorry but I strongly disagree with that buying or selling votes is just another way round to cash in on your voting power with the votes going to often undeserving content yet it looks like again while condeming heajin for doing so many hold bidbot owners in high prestige and happily pay for there services.I have to point out self voting is considered unethical buying selling votes is dmn straight against the rules.
My personal opinion is your voting power you do what you want with it.
Many people wont vote for somebody if they see bidbots being used keep the same for self voting if you dont like it rather than starting a flag war.

As to the examples you asked for as I said that situation took place going back about 4 months ago while lyndsay was fanaticly following every one of bernies votes and flags I dont know if she still does it. But seing her complain about how bad it is to be constantly downvoted on whatever you post like she did to me even in conversations via comments with people made my day. Id post you a link of proof but currently im accessing steem via my phone and scrolling back through such a period of time and amount of comments to find the ones mentioned is damn uncomfortable to say the least.


I checked her account. I found no record of her ever downvoting you or anybody you mentioned. The history of the block chain is intact. You must be thinking of someone else. The proof you are speaking of does not exist.

I'll have to take back the part about her abusingly using downvotes on me I made a mistake there it was only abusive comments she engaged in and supporting such behaviour so doesn't realy change much also the fact still remains about certain other individuals on karamyogs thank you list heavily engaging in bullying and abusive downvotes so the point i made is still valid
Also if you read the comment you were refering to I never mentioned about Her downvoting anybody but myself so please dont try to discredit what im saying by claiming me to say things I haven't

She has said 4 things to total. They are as follows:

@ steemcog, dat u?

How did you like committing steemicide twice? I think that's a record of some kind... :) :)

Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 9.19.14 AM.png

You're worried about 5 cents? When my steemworld looks like this, you'll have a bit of an argument. Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 11.28.21 AM.png

I would hardly call any of those comments abusive.

Also if you read the comment you were refering to I never mentioned about Her downvoting anybody but myself so please dont try to discredit what im saying by claiming me to say things I haven't

Everybody can read what you say themselves. I'm interested in should be as well. Any "discredit" which happens because of showing the truth is on you, not me.

You keep changing the topic to what was said to me, that was not the issue I was addressing, abuseve comments I was talking about where the ones directed under heajin's addres and thats why I find him downvoting her understandable the same for her support of people constantly attacking with racial slur and downvoting him. you(as a group) expect users to be civil in their interactions with you but often dont behave that way yourselves or show open support to others doing attack some people for doing things while carrying out the same actions or supporting them in others.

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