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RE: Every post of mine is getting flagged for no reason by starjuno, haeijin's proxy account. 11 flags in the morning, 2 already and more to follow after today's post

in #abuse6 years ago

I am thanking them because they have either helped me in this fight against @starjuno or they have fought him as well. I am not sure what @lyndsaybowes or @berniesanders have done to bully others. But i am sure, they are flagging posts they find spam. I dont know if they are going ahead and playing games @haejin is playing.


Bernie has been downvoting many more accounts than haejin, for a much longer time. Unfortunately many fall for his facade of playing the good guy.

thanks for clarifying. I am not too worried about berniesanders. I haven't been downvoted by him. I have been downvoted by haejin. Should I be ok with what haejin is doing because he has been doing it for a far lesser time than bernie, don't think so. my post is not about bernie. it is about haejin. and i will stick to that. You have a personal grudge against bernie, he is unnecessarily wiping out my payouts. I dont need proof that haejin is being asshole because he is doing to me. If you have proof that bernie is abusing the platform, please get me that. Otherwise this article from you is mostly speculation. ( I have seen people come out and support me for this haejin nonsense. bernie hasn't helped by upvoting or donating any sbd. and why should he. If the only reason why you are posting here is because i thanked him, then i am not interested. haejin posts spam, but i am ok with him raping the reward pool. if a system is broken, it will be exploited.

You are defending bernie every step of the way though...

Saying my article is speculation and telling mattjack he deserved to be flagged is complete hypocrisy.

You beg for donations in your post relating to haejin flagging you. Have some sympathy for people who have been flagged by bernie!
There are a lot of people!

You are very lucky to be getting the pity donations you are getting. Be sure to milk it! Just stay on the side of logic, don't fall in to the trap of being team bernie or team haejin.

Thanks for the advice. Lets leave the argument there.

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