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RE: Non-GumpyCompliant vote sellers are now to be used exclusively to profit from the reward pool!

in #abuse7 years ago

Hola, estoy de acyerdo contigo. Pienso que estan creando un nuevo problema...
¿Asumen si hago que un post de calidad, no deberia comprar votos?
Es importante reglarlo, pero dichos bots podrain mantenerse bajo otro esquema de voto

Hi, I'm with you. I think you are creating a new problem ...
Do they assume if I make a quality post, I should not buy votes?
It is important to regulate it, but these bots could be maintained under another voting scheme


Ideally, you should not need to buy votes. A quality post should gain votes because it is a good quality post.

This is failing to happen specifically because of voting bots. If they were not in the equation, good quality posts would get upvoted naturally.

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