Filter BidBotted Posts to ‘Promoted’

in #abuse6 years ago

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This idea has been echoed by many on here and I just want to throw my support behind the proposal. The ‘Trending’ tab is an enormous problem and shifting the artificially boosted posts to another less misleading section would do the platform and community a great deal of good. For anyone approaching this issue for the first time in my personal post, here are the major issues and consequential problems that are coming out of the ‘Trending’ section.

The Trending section is being dominated by posts that have used one or several of the major upvoting bots like @smartsteem, @postpromoter, @buildawhale, and @upme to name a few of many (with more emerging each week). Many, myself included, agree that these bots serve a purpose on the platform and that banishing them is not a sustainable solution. However, it is more than obvious that their services are being ‘abused’ to poor ends.

This is a major issue for a number of reasons but most of all, it turns Steemit into a “Pay-to-Play” environment. The Trending section is the first stop for nearly all new/potential users and many experienced ones as well. It is the main place to find major updates by Steemit Inc., witnesses, event announcements, and other noteworthy pieces of information that affect everyone. Whether or not you believe that the posts by @chbartist or @joeparys are complete trash, the issue is that this abuse completely skews the experience of any newcomer or new investor.

Imagine if you were a new user to the website with a freshly minted account. What would be the first place you visit? Likely the Trending section. What would you think if you saw the #1 post with an upvote portfolio like this?

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#2 like this?

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#3 like this?

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#4 like this?

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What would be your first instinct and understanding of what is? What would you think you had to do in order to make any kind of gain or even following on the platform?

The #3 example of a post by @themarkymark highlights one of major consequences of this trend as well, that posts that contain high value for the community have to resort to these services even to be seen.

As of right now, if my absolute goals were to gain as many followers as possible and earn the most money, the solution is clear as day - delegate all my SP to @smartsteem (which pays dividends for lent SP) and funnel the liquid SBD to existing voting services.

This is a problem.

Again, the issue is not just the bots and the bad players who look to do nothing but leech out whatever value and publicity they can. The issue is the combination of these and the functionality of's interface that enables them to thrive. People can use and earn Steem however they choose, but if one choice chokes out the many other ways that people can earn rewards and a following, it should be addressed.


Either ban ‘promoted’ content (and by promoted I mean any post that utilizes a recognized upvoting service) altogether in terms of visibility or at least shift it to another section (maybe revitalize the pointless current Promoted tab) of the website that isn’t the main front-facing page of the whole Steemit ecosystem.

Intermediary solution?

Contribute a flag or two a day that pushes down repeat offenders. If these promoted individuals gain less Steem and SBD from these services over the long haul, they will be less incentivized to rely on these tools if they come with such consequential downvoting.

Abusers will find a way to take advantage of the developing aspects of this website and blockchain at all times. It is crucial that the community adapts to address these emerging threats and pressure Steemit Inc. to deal with these major problems.

As always, let me know what you think.


Have always wanted to write about this too, but I'm just a minor so every time I just keep the "rant" to myself ... each week we see the same users on the trending page with long wordy content and they don't even make much sense it's really infuriating, they are really giving steemit a bad name, and new users will become dejected once they see this is how an aspect of steemit works ... @berniesanders posted something about this weeks ago too... it's really bad for the steem eco system ... thanks for pointing this out ... hopefully whales can join in the fight ( the ones that don't use bot) and something can be implemented... I really hope !!!!

You should always follow your heart when you want to rant! Steemit becomes more resilient when more ideas are shared.

I agree with everything you're saying and 'leading' figures on Steemit with high reputation scores, SP, etc. often forget the very core experience that has to be tailored which that of a new user.

Thanks for the comment @kay1!

Thanks for the reply ... really means a lot ... this should be treated as a very important issue... "there is fire on the mountain" we all should be concerned about this ...
And there's another problem that users complaining about this same issue are doing.. they use the excuse of "getting the complaint out there (getting the post on the trending page) so more people can see it "" so they use bot to get heavy upvote...
More and more users are using this excuse to get heavy upvotes from bot

This is one of the reasons why I refrain from visiting that Trending Page @hansikhouse. It does only demotivate me. Maybe, we can remove that Trending Page if we can't stop the abusers to be at the top.

I agree and I only use it when I'm looking for more general updates. The biggest problem is that experienced users know to avoid it but for everyone new, that is the go-to place.

exactly @hansikhouse, that's why a lot of newbies are demotivated and left steemit. as far as I've learned and which was my practice before, we (newbies) usually visit that (non-sense) Trending page.

아 진짜 어뷰저들 너무 심한거 같아요... 저도 맨처음에 왔을때 왜 이런글이 Trending 에 있지?? 하고 고민했던 적이 있어요.... 읽어 보니 실제 좋은 글도 아니고 머 그냥 무난무난한 블록체인 얘기나 그냥 의미없는 사진들..... trending은 어떻게든 개편이 되어야 할듯 해요... 아님 분야별 트렌딩을 명확히 구분을 해 두던지요

잘 이해는 못하지만 필터링할필요가 있다고 생각됩니다 ㅜㅜ
그래서 저는 피드와 새글이외에는 읽지 않고 있어요 ㅜㅜ

같은 생각을 하고 있었습니다. 큰 금액의 보팅봇 이용자에 대한 포스트는 대세글에서 제외가 되는게 맞겠죠.

I have been on Steemit for almost a year now and it took a long time for me to noticed the "Pay-To-Play" going on here. This really bad. People abuse the use of bots a lot.

As a proposal, I think there should some restrictions on the use of bots that appear on We should be restricted to buy votes regardless of the bot just twice a day (for example).

i voted for you,and you canalso do for me.

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