What is Abuse to me

in #abuse4 years ago


What has been looked on as abuse on Steemit? Well I think it depends on how each individual looks at it but I think the following gives more or less an idea on what the main abuses are:

Self Voting
Using Bid Bots
Daily Multiple Postings
Circle Jerk
Senseless Downvoting

So let's look at each one:

Self Voting
This one is easy to define as there is only one action here, upvoting your own posts, now sometimes I try to get my post to reach the minimum so it doesn't become dust, is that abuse? I know people who post multiple times and have big stakes and self vote each and every post, is this abuse? Well I think the answer here is that all self voting is abuse, there can be no excuses.
Solution: Code this, don't permit self voting. I know a big guy can just make an alt account and it is still self voting, but not having the ability to self vote could make a dent in reward milking.

Using Bid Bots
When you think of it this is the same as self voting, you actually think your post needs more rewards because it is your post, but it isn't like self voting in the way that it is really a chimera, you don't get profits from bid bots, you might get a small profit sometimes, sometimes break even and sometimes lose, but the bid bot, that gets the profits, you pay it and on top of that it gets to make curation rewards.
Solution: I really think there is a way for the code to not allow bid bots, so again the code, also I think a good campaign to make people understand that bid bots are a problem not a solution.

Daily Multiple Postings
Here we have a problem, what should be the maximum times a person can post daily? We used to have a four article limit and it worked very well, then someone had the bright idea, probably a whale, to put no limits on this. And we had an explosion of people posting ten or twelve times daily. Come on, you cant make ten or twelve good posts every day, the only reason is for whales to get their friends auto votes and to self vote.
Solution: Code again, limit this to 4 posts like before, I am sure a huge percentage of the membership would be comfortable with this limit.

Circle Jerk
This one started the day Steemit started, big guys understanding they can milk the system by autovoting each other, this problem is a constant and there is no easy way to fix it.
Solution: OK, this one is not a solution but an option to minimize this type of abuse, set up the downvoting stake and have a group of people decide on who is circle jerking and downvote them, this of course is difficult to do because maybe the articles are good, I guess you could weigh in how often this activity is done per individual user.

Senseless Downvoting
This is the most difficult of all, I am ok with downvoting if it is for plagiarism or hate posts, but it never turns out that way, there are grudge downvotes, ego downvotes, ignorant downvotes and there are other types. These last reasons are really based on an individuals point of view, a post can be good mediocre or bad, this does not merit a downvote, if you think it is bad or whatever just ignore it, if it is bad it will probably get no rewards anyway. The other abuses you might want to downvote it for are practically covered above so I don't see any need to lose your time downvoting.
Solution: I believe most of the abuse I have covered above, if those are fixed downvotes become irrelevant, but this one has no real solution except coding out downvotes and that would make members go into a riot because many people here swear by downvotes, so I see no good solution for this one, except again education.

Well those are my ideas, I also think the effects of HF21 should be reversed, return author rewards to 75% and try to make a better reward curve, one that is more inclusive and doesn't cater only to big accounts. The 100 day challenge to me is a good idea so it could be changed to the 500 day challenge or whatever.

I know these are just things from the top of my head, could be good could be bad but if everyone chips in with some ideas I think we can all help to improve Steemit.

Stay safe.


You have enumerated the entire list. ;)

Thank you for your contribution to the discussion.

It is a complex issue - we hope we can find solutions that at least the majority be satisfied with.

The Steemit Team

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