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RE: Steem's #1 Pirate - Abuse & Plunder Report 2018-08-10 (last 24hrs)

in #abuse6 years ago

Ha, did he finally realize that those flags were less profitable than self-upvoting? Seriously though all we need is a few more players like @fulltimegeek and his rewards will be reduced to zero. Then he'll be forced to completely rethink his game plan.


Let's do an experiment. Say you and me are enemies and I'm willing to do anything to hurt you. So I find this dusty old book full of weird joo joo vodoo (magical spells and whatnot). I take a 20 dollar bill cite the necessary Latin incantation in overly hushed tones all ritualistic like, then poof! The money bursts into flames, reincarnating itself back onto some palette over at the Federal Reserve.

Yet that wasn't even the cool part, the cool part is when you edicted open your wallet, your shocked to find that your last 20 dollar bill has turned into ashes! It too like mine has reincarnated itself over on a palette at the Federal Reserve. Cool trick right? Yeah it's cool, but it don't change the fact that we're both out 20 bucks. Personally if I had the magic, I think I'd rather up-vote someone from a third world country who might be able to eat that week because of me. Just saying... (ツ)_/¯

Flagging someone is like upvoting everyone else on the platform. Money doesn't get burned. The same amount of Steem inflation gets created no matter what. By flagging abusers we make the overall value of Steem higher. Everybody wins.

Technically true but realistically inconsequential unless you are the @steemit account. There are 60,000 active accounts a day. Even if you team up with a large group and use $6000 worth flags on someone, the average reward gained by the rest would be 10 cents. Considering how much controversy and fighting/trolling would occur because of $6000 worth flags, I'd say that's not the path we should take.

You can't marginalize the concept by twisting the facts and making it look like a small amount on paper. Do you really think you can be that reductive and simplify it down to one account? I've already explained how flags could be used to implement true proof-of-brain and stop any "counterfeit" Steem from being created. That isn't a few cents per person. That's a platform worth 1000 times more than it is now.

People who flag others because they got flagged are immediately in the wrong. This is childish temper tantrum behavior. That kind of wrong action automatically deserves more flags.

You flag something because because in your opinion it's worth less reward than it's getting and you're willing to lose your own reward to burn someone else's. If a person can't remain objective and insists on acting like a raging troll over getting flagged, you're saying the answer is to not flag them? That is so backwards I don't even know where to begin.

War is literally a business. Do you know how much money is made by Big Oil by promoting death and destruction? Again, don't even know where to begin on that front.

And yet again with the $15 an hour thing. As if we can't afford to pay people $15 an hour? How many years have wages been stagnant while production and the top 1% have skyrocketed? Your perspective on the economy is borderline conservative propaganda. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want to be conservative you should at least admit that the purpose of war is economic... literally since the beginning of time.

(Hey look at me I've got memes too. )

The problem with this argument is that you can use it to justify abolishing minimum wage all together. Minimum wage has been around for so long (1938) that no one longer remembers what it was like without it. Pick up a history book, and you can see it was bad.

If you don't raise the minimum wage enough to keep up with inflation and standard of living, it's the same as not having a minimum wage in the first place.

No matter how wrong or disproven, there will always be an argument out there claiming the opposite view. You have to look at who benefits from a $15 minimum wage and who doesn't.

Who benefits from $15/h? The poor and dependents.
Who benefits from lower wages? The rich and small business owners.

Which one of these groups has the resources to spread false economic information to make a profit? It really is that simple. Capitalism is predictable.

The only valid point that video brings up is automation. Technology is the reason why unskilled labor remains so cheap. If you raise wages, machines take the jobs.

I have news: we want machines doing all the shit work. We can create food, shelter, and infrastructure with little need for human labor these days. The problem is finding jobs for the displaced workers (if you make the argument that they even need a job). The conservative stance is simply to pay them less. This is a band-aid solution that won't work in the future as technology advances.

Bottom line: $15 an hour wages are also a band-aid solution, as are so many other economic policies like Social Security. The global economy has been on borrowed time for quite some time and a collapse is unavoidable. The 2008 financial crisis was just a little taste. That's why I'm here collecting crypto and trying to be a part of a new economy.

Minimum wage has been around for so long (1938) that no one longer remembers what it was like without it. Pick up a history book, and you can see it was bad.

What you know from a history book is century old information about USA. Take a look at many countries that have no such thing as a minimum wage. Some of these countries are much better off that USA or they have seen massive economic growth and increase of the standards of living.


Some other well off countries with very low minimum wage which is actually tend to be lower than the market rate (meaning employers would have a hard time fining anyone to work if they were only paying the minimum wage - Which means minimum wage isn't doing much help to begin with)

Hong Kong
South Korea


You cannot conclusively link higher minimum wages with improved standards of living.

Who benefits from lower wages?

Businesses + Everyone who buys stuff who end up paying less. The poor won't benefit much from lower wages to those who work on luxury brands. But in many cases everyone would benefit. Minimum wage actually hurt small businesses far more than large multi-billion dollar companies like McDonald and Walmart.

I can comprehend that perspective, but why not just upvote someone who deserves to be upvoted instead of flagging someone who has an indomitable will? It has the same effect in benefiting people without the conflict of a downvote war. It's win/win for both warring parties and the same amount of good is done its just focused at one person in a noticeable way, as opposed to benefiting everyone in a way that's so minuscule, that it won't even register for most folks.

Take this example to the extreme: Everyone exploiting Steem gets flagged into the ground. Now everyone who deserves rewards gets upvoted. Now you have a perfect system.

If we do it your way the system remains totally exploited. It in no way has the same effect. Flagging actually creates the win/win situation. Even the people getting flagged win because the entire platform is now worth more because it's functioning properly with the proof-of-brain concept.

If you believe in proof-of-brain, then allowing trash posts to rake in hundreds of dollars is the equivalent to allowing counterfeit Steem being created.

99% of Steem interactions could be flags, but as long as the remaining 1% are upvoting using honorable proof-of-brain tactics the system is working perfectly.

I don't want to be redundant and spammy so please just look up to the comment I sent to fullcoverbetting. If we send out the message that this is not the place for new capital to make gains then we discourage investment. Should that happen, the only logical move would be to sell to market before everyone else does.

I'd like to not sound redundant either, but here I am. If proof-of-brain becomes a reality then Steem will make x100 gains. This is a utility token. It either has to provide utility or it's worthless.

Your argument of, "we should let investors exploit the system for short-term gains," has zero merit.

I hear you, proof of brain is excellent. Have you ever by any chance watched any of the 100's of videos that Haejin makes? He's got his own thing, he values his content and analysis.

If he didn't upvote his content, it would mean he didn't value it. If he didn't value it, why would he make it in the first place? He's not even adding these videos to his posts.

He's summarizing and distilling the fine points in his picture charts that he uploads regularly. I personally don't know about financial stuff, or mathematics or any of that.

But, I think if he was trying to gaslight the Steemit community. He would have at the very least uploaded these videos to his posts. Yet, he doesn't do this and that has me further convinced that he believes in what he's doing, or else why do it every single day?

Even if he didn't value his own work, lets say he was just upvoting one word comments. The proof of brain lies in the fact that he's trying to capitalize off of his investment.

The point of the matter is the money that you bring to the platform is merit, that's why you get the larger upvote for bringing mo money.

Correct, value is subjective. It's simply one person's opinion vs another. That's exactly why Haejin should stop upvoting himself. He's facing major resistance from the community.

It isn't hard to engage with the Steem community in a positive way without getting flagged. It would take very little effort on Haejin's part to turn this entire situation around. He could also sidestep the flags entirely by selling his vote.

At the same time, this entire situation could get outdated by adding utility to Steem that has nothing to do with blogging. Blogging is boring and I think Steem is capable of a whole lot more.

here's a guy @azizbd i found in BD teaching poor kids @schoolforsdg4 speaking of someone from a third world country . I'm planning on heading over there soon and teaming up with him.

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