Is it possible to rape your own wife?.. **YES** With Nigerian youth service corps members demonstrating it on pictures.

in #abuse7 years ago


A lot of people have been asking this question if it's really possible to rape someone you call your wife. If you ask me i would say 'YES'. It's 100% possible that you rape your wife. For you to really understand how it's possible for you to rape your spouse you need to have the understanding of what rape means.


Raping is an act or instance of robbing or despoiling or carrying away a person by force.
Or unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception .


Having sex with your wife when she is not ready to do and you force her to do so "that is rape''
I hear a lot people having this argument all time. Some will say that so long she is their wife they have all the right to have sex with her anything and anywhere they wished to.


The point is no one say's you don't have the right to have sex with your wife whenever you wish to. But you should also understand that she is human. They might be a point in time that she might not be in the mood due to several reasons, she might have been so tired after a long stressful day, or she may not be feeling too well at a time. So at that point in time it's very hard for some women to be moved in having sex that moment. Forcing your way through her to have sex is rape.


Because she is your wife doesn't mean she doesn't have a choice, it doesn't mean you should force or threaten her out of her will at any time. I see husbands who believe a wife who refuses to sleep with her husband must be nuts and needs to be shown who the boss is, and If the wife refused to have sex with them, they’d pin her down and take what the wanted anyway. ‘saying It’s my right.


We have over 48 nations today where a husband can legally rape his wife. For a example in singapore a man is not guilty of rape if the victim is his spouse and over the age of 13.
The constitution in india, under The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act of 2013, you can find the chilling statement: "Sexual intercourse or sexual acts by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under fifteen years of age, is not rape."
And i ask myself "is marriage a license for sex''?


Students protesting in Delhi against violence towards women.

This is a respond from one of the activist when asked what she has to say to those who made this law..
And what would you, or do you say in response to these arguments?

I would like these people to experience the process of a rape case to see how much a woman has to endure after the brutality she has already been through.


I think every states should now recognize rape within marriage as a crime, and most charge the crime in the same way that rape between strangers would be charged. Let's fight against women abuse and rape.








Make use of this if you are a victim of rape or sexual abuse, contact the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) National Sexual Assault Online Hotline for help and local resources.


Consent is a useful concept to use when discussing rape. Here is a small video made by British police to explain the nuances of consent. It doesn't deal with rape within marriage, but the same logic should apply.

nice post..this should be passed into law because a lot of women out there are really going through sex abuse from their spouse.

i love everything here! WOMEN IS NOT TRASH!

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