In Venezuela, expensive and Bad quality products./ ¡En Venezuela los productos carísimos y de mala calidad!

in #abuse5 years ago (edited)

Greetings friends,

In my country, many things have changed and unfortunately there have been no positive changes, on the contrary, every day that passes a new change arises... but negative.

As many know, inflation is the highest in the history of Venezuela, therefore our currency has been greatly devalued.

The current minimum wage is 40,000.00 bolivars per month (equivalent to $ 2.81 per month). Food is very expensive and therefore making a market with that salary is impossible.

Today I went to buy cheese. The kilo of cheese in the area where I live costs 27,000 bolivars (equivalent to $ 1.90) which represents 68% of the minimum monthly salary.

The cheese I bought is called "curd", I ordered half a kilo, and the seller offered me this cheese. Which says on the packaging that it is "curd" cheese.

Saludos Amigos,

En mi país, muchas cosas han cambiado y lamentablemente no ha habido cambios positivos, por el contrario, cada día que pasa surge un nuevo cambio ... pero negativo.

Como muchos saben, la inflación es la más alta en la historia de Venezuela, por lo tanto, nuestra moneda se ha devaluado enormemente.

El salario mínimo actual es de 40,000.00 bolívares mensuales (equivalente a $ 2.81 por mes). La comida es muy cara y, por lo tanto, hacer un mercado con ese salario es imposible.

Hoy fui a comprar queso. El kilo de queso en el área donde vivo cuesta 27,000 bolívares (equivalente a $ 1.90) que representa el 68% del salario mínimo mensual.

El queso que compré se llama "cuajada", pedí medio kilo y el vendedor me ofreció este queso. Lo que dice en el empaque es que es queso "cuajada".


Confident in what the packaging says, I bought that cheese and then bought bread for dinner bread with cheese TODAY.

When I get home, I take out the cheese from the packaging and it was very slimy. The smell was not pleasant, but there are some cheese that have no pleasant smell, I kept washing it and then I chopped a piece and my surprise !!

Confiada en lo que dice el empaque, compré ese queso y luego compré pan para cenar pan con queso HOY.

Cuando llegué a mi casa, saqué el queso del empaque y estaba muy baboso. El olor no era agradable, pero hay algunos quesos que no tienen olor agradable, seguí lavándolo y luego corté un trozo de queso y ¡sorpresa!



The cheese has something black, very deep, it's like a tape. It really is so unhygienic that it even gave me nausea to see it.

It bothers me, the fact that it is not the first time that I buy food in poor condition. Currently they no longer exist... or rather, health regulations in Venezuela are no longer respected. Before the shops were supervised, and the products were of quality. Now the law is NOT respected and even worse, merchants are no longer ethical. They do not mind selling BAD quality products, they only think about making money regardless of the consequences that a bad product can bring.

In addition, every effort made by each Venezuelan to buy food and they are not reminded of their conscience selling food like this.

We spend time looking for where we can buy things at a lower price to reach the money a little, but that the product is in good condition. nowadays, flour with bugs, spaghetti or rice with weevils is obtained in the shops and if the consumer does not realize it, they (the merchants) do not mind selling them that way.

In short... there is much that remains to change in this country, as I have said in other publications... The main thing is a change of mentality. Where the Venezuelan stops harming his Venezuelan neighbor!

We are all in this same crisis, Merchants and consumers, so let's not try to sink anymore !!!

Tomorrow I will go to the business where I bought that cheese to get my money back!

El queso tiene algo negro, muy profundo, es como una cinta. Realmente es tan anti-higiénico que incluso me dio náuseas verlo.

Me molesta el hecho de que no es la primera vez que compro alimentos en mal estado. Actualmente ya no existen ... o más bien, las regulaciones sanitarias en Venezuela ya no se respetan. Antes los comercios eran supervisados y los productos eran de calidad. Ahora la ley NO se respeta y, lo que es peor, los comerciantes ya no son éticos. No les importa vender productos de MALA calidad, solo piensan en ganar dinero independientemente de las consecuencias que pueda traer un producto malo.

Además, cada venezolano se esfuerza para comprar alimentos cada día y a ellos (los comerciantes) no se les remuerde la conciencia al vender alimentos como este.

Pasamos tiempo buscando dónde podemos comprar cosas a un precio más bajo para que el dinero alcance un poco, pero que el producto esté en buenas condiciones. hoy en día, se obtiene harina con gusanitos, espagueti o arroz con gorgojos en las tiendas y si el consumidor no se da cuenta, a ellos (los comerciantes) no les importa venderlos de esa manera.

En resumen... hay mucho por cambiar en este país, como he dicho en otras publicaciones... Lo principal es un cambio de mentalidad. ¡Donde el venezolano deje de dañar a su vecino venezolano!
Todos estamos en la misma crisis, comerciantes y consumidores, ¡así que no nos hundamos más!

¡Mañana iré al negocio donde compré ese queso para recuperar mi dinero!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


This is terrible. What makes it worse it is your own countrymen. It is probably a minority, but still with things as difficult as they are everyone one should be helping each other and not cheating.

That's right, unfortunately in this crisis see many people that they take advantage of the needs of others, and that is what I say ... It takes much more than a change of government in Venezuela ... a change of mentality is needed !!!

That's messed up. both the cheese and the currency

Yes, that bothered me a lot. Today I went to the place where I bought it and they changed it for another cheese that if it is good... I will not buy more there... and the currency ... well ... hyperinflation does not stop, only God could do it And we are praying for that.
Thank you very much for your support and your visit 😊

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