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RE: Age Of Abundance: The War That Is Brewing

in #abundance6 years ago

Free energy is the major game changer. All stems from that. We live in a world of such inequality because of the energy difference. There are parts of the world, like the west, where energy is plentiful and relatively cheap. Yet others like Africa are still in the dark ages since power is not there. They operate on a manual model while the west enjoys automation.

This is something that renewables are changing. Ironically, many parts of the west are slow to adopt it....meaning they could get left behind.


I watched a documentary where it showed that Germany requires all new buildings to use at least 30% of green energy.

That is interesting! most parts of Africa are really backward and not ready for innovations. Personal gain is foremost to our leaders. What can I say... change is gradual. Someday we would get there.

There is no doubt a major shift is taking place.

To start, renewable energy is now economically viable meaning that corporations are embracing them. Facebook and Google going green on their server farms, while might be part of a green initiative, are only doing it because it is financially viable.

Diesel vehicles are starting to be banned by cities too.

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