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RE: Why I Love Surfers: They Understand Abundance

in #abundance6 years ago

I disagree that scarcity gives us prices. My belly-button lint is uniquely scarce and also "priceless" (more accurately: "worthless"). Price discovery comes as an emergent property of chaos via individuals participating in voluntary exchange of value. They have different perceptions of value, so we get different valuations and exchange. The waves which can be surfed are more scarce, but they still have no price.

That presentation sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out. If scarcity facilitates valuable prices, then we'll be falling for the broken window fallacy and creating artificial scarcity not supported by real market forces. That's not valuable. Economics happen all the time without scarcity. Even when there is free, easy access to clean, filtered water, people still choose to pay for bottled water. Economics is a means to an end. It's supposed to be economical ("giving good value or service in relation to the amount of money, time, or effort spent") but many distorted views of economics create massive, massive waste and destruction of the planet. I agree, we have to be careful and concerned with efficiency. When I sit in the water, I certainly paddle to the best position to catch the next wave, even if there is abundance in the long-term.

I think there's an important distinction between an abundance mindset and what the Venus Project discusses which is post-scarcity. Post scarcity (short of time-travel) is and always will be impossible because humans value things differently and will use their scarce resource of time uniquely. That said, I agree with many of the criticisms Jacques Fresco and Peter Joseph have of crony, wasteful capitalism. I think, as with many things, there's a balance which makes the most sense. The "good" version of what many label as evil socialism and the "good" version of what many label as evil capitalism.

We should definitely do some recorded discussions on this stuff. :)

I regularly consume content which contradicts my current views. One that I enjoyed was the "a culture in decline" series by Peter Joseph. I don't agree with much of his condemnation of money, but I do like some of his ideas.

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