Maximizing ROI is the Key to Scarcity Mindset.

in #abundance5 years ago


Although seemingly counter-intuitive, if we strive to make more money we engage the scarcity mindset. Maximizing ROI is the opposite of abundance. People who are willing to compromise ethical behavior in exchange for a payout (selling out) clearly don't have enough money (or simply think that way).


How many famous actors have you seen on screen who are now doing a commercials? For how many couples is 'money' the number one argument? How many people on Steem are scrambling to earn anything they can?


I'm done with that.

In an attempt to shift to abundance mindset I'll be making some changes. I'm already working all day everyday on my game. Hopefully, it will be as popular as I think it will. Also, anyone who comments here will get a 100% upvote since I'm quite busy at the moment.


I see you like The BigBang Theory.
It is that Cooper is too creative.
Obviously I say it because of your Game.

Ok, comment! Kidding, so what kind of game are you working on? Will you run it on the block-chain or is it a stand-alone program for sale?

Loved the "Also, anyone who comments here will get a 100% upvote since I'm quite busy at the moment" :). Man, hopefully one day more people has your mindset. I would do something, but I don't know how to code :(, yet.

It's about time. Much is much more valuable than money.

Hi @edicted

I also hope your game will be as popular as you want it to be. Perhaps I could help and "share the word" with some people I know on Steemit.

If you would ever need my support, then just DM me. You can count on me as I really value your work so far.


I recently made this shift myself.

I cancelled all autovoting. I'm no longer considering rewards. Instead I'm just focusing on trying to add value to my interactions on this chain. This isn't to say I won't invest, but I do believe that the community will reward my intentions.

Posted using Partiko Android

Very interesting. 👏👏👏
I am involved in so many tribes and voting in those tribes that my voting power was below 60%, do I got the same idea. How is it working for you?
🙏🏻 Peace and Good Health to you and yours.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm not really sure about how to quantify it and it's only been a few days.

Posted using Partiko Android

People who are willing to compromise ethical behavior in exchange for a payout (selling out) clearly don't have enough money (or simply think that way)

Yep, totally agree on this one! Normally spreading abundance tends to give abundance back ;)

I’m experimenting this, trying observing the results.

This is my primary task since I joined Steem.

Observation continues...

Cheers & !BEER 🍻

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well, everything you do with your time is a trade-off.

We all have 24 hours each day, and we each look to maximize various qualities from spending our time.

We have to work so much to keep food on the table and a roof overhead.
But, that work can be somewhere between painful and joyous.

So, we all choose to spend the resources we have in a way that gets us the most benefit.

(and then you add short term and long term benefits...)

Money is much the same way. The problem we have with money is that we live in an inflationary environment. So, you have to make so much return on your money or your losing money.

The other problem is that money is only a singular measurement. Like a ruler that can only measure north and south. There are many other qualities, that would be nice to have a measure... but we only have the singular.

Now, your thinking ain't exactly wrong, but it ain't exactly correct. You will have to come back and revisit this decision.

People who are willing to compromise ethical behavior in exchange for a payout (selling out) clearly don't have enough money (or simply think that way).

That's so true... I saw many people here acting like total jerks and I never understood what they gain from it. 😖

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