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RE: Why I Love Surfers: They Understand Abundance

in #abundance6 years ago

Sure, we've made huge progress and that's to be celebrated. No question.

But increasing the size of the pie isn't useful if a large chunk of people don't have access to it. Or if they're allergic to pie (to abuse the analogy even more).

Abundant means simply "more than you need", and is contextual. It's not "infinite", nor "universally accessible". I have an abundance of space in my house, for instance, but that doesn't mean it's infinite.


The "don't have access to it" part is what I see tokenomics and tokenization solving in part. It's the regulatory capture, revolving door politics, and monopolization that I see with Nation State governments that, IMO, obscure and distort this free access to all.

I'll let Bruce Fenton's tweet from yesterday serve as one of many examples:

Yes, we need to help those who can't help themselves, and we need to provide access to all with equal opportunity (not equal outcome). I think voluntary systems of governance based networks of shared records of account and smart contracts will lead us there.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.

I've yet to see any reason why blockchain token magic will be able to do what 10,000 years of human society hasn't managed yet. It's just an EventSource database with a conflict resolution algorithm. Potentially useful, but not a reinvention of the human condition.

I didn't advocate for democracy for this very reason. I'm about effective governance.

Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature discusses how humans have changed a lot even in the past few hundred years with regards to empathy, compassion, cooperation, and more. When people use broad labels like "human nature" or the "human condition," I tend to tune out a little. If they are talking about specifics, I'm fully engaged and excited to demonstrate possibilities. I wouldn't feel the way I do about these systems and their ability to improve the world if I hadn't seen enough evidence of it already improving things.

After more than 5 years following this stuff, I'm comfortable at this point just sitting back and saying, "Wait and see." I'd rather help build it and show people later than try to convince people with words. There is, however, a network effect and adoption curve that can bring about the future I imagine that much quicker the more people who see it and embrace it now instead of later.

Either way, I'm glad you're open to exploring possibilities.

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