What do the 100 million Americans who don't vote really think?

in #absention4 years ago



Nonvoters are generally good people who do the right thing given their level of knowledge and interest. .

I don't think anyone is qualified to vote. If the votes mattered, I'd be very against the whole thing.

Even the smartest, most engaged person doesn't know the mental state of the candidates and their aides, whatever side deals they've made, how events will play out in the real world, etc.

Put it this way: there are people that are paid a lot more than political scientists who spend all their time assembling sports teams that are a lot smaller in roster than the US Government, and the outcome of that activity can't even be predicted.

Nobody has any business picking winners in an intrusive government.

And it's not like we should ask ourselves who would pick these people if not for the best informed voters, however imperfect. Because nobody needs to be picking these people. There is no need for anyone to fill the current role that the President occupies.



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