99 Best Law Of Attraction Quotes From Abraham Hicks To Motivate You

Abraham Hicks is a spiritual and law of attraction leader who inspires others.

Many people have been inspired by their words, so I’ve compiled a list of some of the most inspiring Abraham Hicks quotes that you can use to help you on your spiritual journey!

While there are many Abraham Hicks quotes that make you stop and think about how you perceive reality, some may find it perplexing that Abraham Hicks is not a person.


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Abraham is not a physical human being, but rather what is known as Source energy. A couple named Esther and Jerry Hicks gave this “infinite intelligence” the name Abraham.

Esther Hicks is said to be a channel for information from Abraham. She then expresses this intelligence in human-readable language.

In this way, she almost takes on the role of a translator, allowing us to gain knowledge and insights from the Source energy. So, when you see Abraham Hicks giving a talk, you will see the physical form of Esther Hicks.



“People will love you. People will hate you. And none of it will have anything to do with you.”

“Let your alignment (with Well-Being) be first and foremost, and let everything else be secondary. And not only will you have an eternally joyous journey, but everything you have ever imagined will flow effortlessly into your experience. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have—but your dominant intent is to be joyful. The doing and the having will come into alignment once you get that one down.”

“The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward or growth. Your goal is to find objects of attention that let your cork raise.”

“We are all love, looking for a place to happen.”

“Make more decisions every day. Because a decision is a summoning of life. That’s why a little chaos is good for you because often you don’t make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force.”

“Make a decision and then make it right. There just are no wrong decisions.”

“The greatest thing you can give yourself is freedom from what others think.”

Read more... https://www.in2vortex.com/abraham-hicks-quotes/99-best-law-of-attraction-quotes-from-abraham-hicks-to-motivate-you/