Abosom Releases it's first Light Wallet - AbosomElectrum v0.1.0

in #abosom4 years ago (edited)

Something which passed us by without much fanfare during August was the completion of the Abosom Electrum wallet, lets look at what this means for the Project and the asset owning world.

exchange integration template (2).png

Firstly this wallet represents the progress that the Abosom network is making towards crossing off all the checkpoints on the basics roadmap. While this description may be somewhat tongue in cheek it does accurately sumise the features which XAB will need as a bare minimum to move forward.

An Electrum wallet is absolutely imperative for a few reasons, First and foremost, it will allow users to send and receive Abosom without having to download the entire blockchain, currently this is not a big issue as the chain is still relatively small, however as time goes on and the network ages we expect this size to grow. As a worldwide currency we DO NOT want Abosom to leave people without large bandwidth or fast internet connections behind, This is the main reason why we are so excited to have checked off this milestone so early in the projects development.

Our version of Electrum was developed by respected developer AhmedBodi and the security and resilience of the wallet is cutting edge, as the original electrum still remains the most popular SPV-wallet option for many bitcoiners to this very day. Ahmed is planning on maintaining and developing various features for this group of electrum wallets and Abosom will help fund this and benefit from these upcoming features which will make the electrum wallet, most likely the wallet of choice for desktop users. you can view the codebase on github here and there should soon be a Roadmap from Ahmed which you can also see here.

We hope you test out our new wallet and we look forward to continue to innovate and support developers like Ahmed as they build and improve on the REAL Crypto scene, with more disruptive innovations and iterations.

If you have any further questions please feel free to jump into our discord


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