Abosom Monthly Update #6 September 2020

in #abosom4 years ago

August has been our most productive month to date, we have made some great progress with the Abosom network, here’s a round up.

Copy of Abosom Weekly Update #1 (1).png

  • Listed on our first centralised exchange
  • completed our first desktop lightwallet – electrum fork
  • completed HD walet functionality
  • added to ADVFN
  • started work on the next phase for Abosom
  • close to completing our first buy back burn
  • added to coingecko
  • Released a fixed 1.0.0

So firstly we have been listed on the well known altcoin exchange SouthXchange, this was a HUGE deal for us and we are very proud to be listed with a btc pair here (https://www.southxchange.com/Market/Book/XAB/BTC).
Thanks to the SouthXchange team for making the integration so smooth and painless, we are inviting anybody to buy from SouthXchange as it has good liquidity and new users may find it easier than our decentralised options. If you need any help with the process please join our discord and someone will help you, discord.abosom.org.

Our second milestone for the month of August was the completion of the much anticipated Electrum light wallet. This work was completed by accomplished developer AhmedBodi, you can see his github account here. We are particularly pleased with this fork as it allows Abosom users to trade and store abosom securely without downloading the entire blockchain, this is a real convenient and viable solution for users with low bandwidth or in places where internet connnections are weak or slow. You can download the wallet for windows, mac and Linux here - https://github.com/ZenyattaAbosom/AbosomElectrum/releases/tag/V0.1.0
we will keep you updated on any progress that this light wallet makes as This Electrum wallet follows Ahmed bodis lightwallet roadmap and he has some really exciting features planned.

HD wallet functionality was fixed and an updated release was released into the wild too, you can get it from here https://github.com/ZenyattaAbosom/Abosom/releases/tag/v1.0.0b and although its not mandatory we highly suggest that you upgrade as the previous versions also had a very serious security flaw, thanks again to AhmedBodi for disclosing this and to AkshayNexus for suggesting a suitable fix.

Abosom was added to ADVFN, this site gives crypto users information about all altcoins and we are pleased that they decided to add Abosom without a fee or without even contacting us. You can view their site here : https://ih.advfn.com/crypto/Abosom-XAB

Abosom was also added to CoinGecko which is a site similar to ADVFN but currently far more popular, we are extremely pleased to be added here as it was set as a requirement before we could be added to ALLNODES, which is something we have wanted to access for some time, we’d be very excited to pursue that integration and now this has checked another box on the way to making that a reality. Please see our information on Coingecko here: https://www.coingecko.com/sv/coins/abosom

We have started working in the next phase for Abosom which is the development of our OWN cryptocurrency exchange, for this we have opened discussions with a well known Exchange owner and coordinator, we are aiming to keep him involved in an advisor's capacity however this has not been confirmed yet and discussions are ongoing, we will for certain be allocating jobs to people for this upcoming exchange with sales jobs being the first priority to engage other crypto currencies. We see this and our very on project launchpad/kickstarter as the most important things to look forward to in September, lets see how we develop. For more information, as ever join our discord.

Finally, please keep your eyes peeled for our first buy back burn, we are deciding the best way to complete this using our block dx integration, this is taking a while but hopefully this should be sorted during September, we have a lot of DASH, PIVX and Zcoin to distribute, please keep an eye on the assets page for further information.

Thanks for reading our monthly update and we look forward to keeping you in the loop in the coming months. Thanks for supporting this ground breaking project.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63768.98
ETH 3410.21
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49