
Ah. The issue of a government being involved in the abortion issue, down at the local level comes from the initiation of a Criminal Murder Charge brought forth perhaps by an angry father who Swears out a Complaint. Then comes a local Grand Jury Indictment, with the process moving forward as promoted by a Pro Life Judge and DA....and of course a Pro Life Sheriff who will arrest. If the unanimous Petit Jury decides the mother and doctor are guilty of Conspiracy to Murder, the government of your county will be expected to detain them until moved to state prison... and possibly lethal injection after all appeal options are exercised. What do you suspect a minarchist government will do in this case? Nullify Roe v. Wade in favor of the Jury decision? Or Nullify the Jury decision using Roe v. Wade? Either could happen since libertarians come down on both sides of this issue. Make sense yet? See the problem libertarians face in their first county? I don't know how anarchos intend to deal with murder charges..................

Roe V Wade wouldn't be relevant in either of those scenarios. We already have different laws in different jurisdictions today - I can have weed in CO, I can't in neighboring states. Handled the same way. I tend to think this is one wrong that perhaps libertarianism simply cannot justly deal with and leave it alone.

Roe v. Wade, (i.e., when human life first takes place in the womb) would come down to state by state definitions. And that would take a priority measure in each new nation as a result of Adam Kokesh's "Split 50!" prescription. So bottom line, ms. PF, you will have to pick which new nation you will reside in. With 50 new countries, I'm sure you will find one to your liking, and be joyus in NEVER HAVING TO ARGUE ABOUT THIS ISSUE EVER AGAIN.

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