Abortion is bad but not a crime 🤔

in #abortion5 years ago

I don't think it's good to have an abortion.


Nope. Am not.

Not trying to stop you. Not trying to prosecute.

But I can judge you for it. You can become less good in my mind because of it.

It's like if I see you pollute or yell at kids or shoot a squirrel. Or keep a cow locked in a little pen where you rape her for her milk and kill her offspring for their flesh. I can have my judgment about what's good and what's bad without thinking that a crime occurred or that it's my business to stop it.

Often I think there's a false dichotomy between "abortion should be illegal" and "abortion is fine".

It shouldn't be illegal, but it's also not fine.

There are a range of things that are undesirable and bad and should be discouraged and socially frowned upon where you don't necessarily think a crime occurred.

Eating too much trans fat is sort of an example.

Shouldn't be illegal, but you're nuts if you advocate it.

I probably wouldn't judge an aborter in an all-encompassing sort of way.

It'd be an aspect of them and a thing that happened. But people aren't defined by one thing that they did.

What's important is more the attitude you have about it.

So my critique and points here aren't targeted at woman. It can just as easily go for men.

If you had an abortion once but it was a tough situation and you had your reasons and took it seriously and feel bad or murky about it, that seems rather benign.

Having a cavalier or encouraging or even glorifying or empowering attitude about it is gross and problematic.

There's nothing to support or encourage.

Having loose sex and aborting human life isn't a cycle people come out of feeling wonderful. That's not a good recipe that you should try to draw people into.

You might support specific people in specific moments. Maybe there are times where the dynamics are complicated and you understand why they did it, or you generally support them because they're your friend.

There are times where Joe kills Bob because Bob hurt Joe's family, and you kind of get it and understand what led to that point, but "murder" as a general word that comes up is still bad and not something you dignify and speak glowingly about.

If you speak glowingly about winning the golf tournament, you're in effect encouraging people to practice golf shots, lift weights, be in shape, etc.

If you speak glowingly about abortion, you're encouraging people to do all the destructive things that cause that outcome.

Our sexual energy is wonderful and beautiful.

You should use it. But there's a sweet spot and a balance to it. If you use it so often or so impulsively that you start needing to have abortions, that's an indication that you went too far and have left the sweet spot.

So if abortion is something that you're okay with, that means corrupting your sexuality (plus maybe having unsafe, unprotected sex) is something you're okay with.

Like when you touch a hot stove. OUCH! Your fingers are gonna fall off if you keep doing that.

Abortion is the ouch.

Even if there are times where, as played, you'd consider it the best way out of a mistake or a bad situation, trying to generally take away the stigma isn't helpful.

You should want to steer people away from it rather than towards it.

The people who glorify or try to remove the stigma from abortion aren't your friends, and they don't support women. Not anymore than calling him a hero because he went and shot people in another country is supporting men.

They're trying to weaponize and use you.

Abortion is bad. Pretty simple.


Interesting piece

I agree that abortion shouldn't be illegal. Doing that only makes it worse, especially for teenage girls in Third World countries. There's no access to information, support and counseling. Unwanted pregnancy is something of a stigma over here. And according to some report, girls suffer (sometimes irreversible) damage when carrying out abortion in secret usually at the hands of quark doctors.

Saying abortion is bad is another issue entirely. I'm inclined to think otherwise. Don't get me wrong. I wish abortion was never a thing. I also do not encourage abortion. But I feel, like state sanctioned murder or self defense, it can be the right thing to do.

It also depends on the timing. Taking the abortion pill after a rape or some wild night doesn't seem bad to me. You've made a mistake alright but sometimes poor soul shouldn't have to suffer for it.

In one of the texts I used to teach my students literature, a women opted for an abortion because her family was too poor and couldn't afford another mouth. Fine, there's are stories of children who were almost aborted but their mothers changed their minds and they turned out to be successful individuals. But that's only one side. I've seen poverty. The kind that interlocks itself in your body with your bones. The kind that kills every hope for a good life.

Perhaps it's my atheistic/humanist mind speaking.

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You know who's causing the dichotomy? Americans, and "the west" in general.

I feel like any conversation Americans have isn't even about the thing itself anymore. It's more about preserving their underlying dichotomy, the biggest of them all, which is:

Democrats vs Republicans.

"Liberals" vs "Conservative".

So there is no middle ground on any topic anymore. There is only "oh what's their view on it? Great, now we gotta have the opposite."

"They like guns? Well we gotta ban every damn gun. They don't like guns? Well we gotta have guns at every damn place in the country. Oh they want to ban abortion? We want free abortion for every fuckin body. They want free abortion for everybody? We have to stop anyone from getting an abortion under in any circumstance."

Shit show.


Very true.

I feel like politics makes people feel like they magically can have strong opinions about things. Like climate change.. how the jet streams work and all that is pretty dull, and it's just a scientific question... people who study science and have done research can have a strong opinion, but regular people don't really have any reason to

kind of like if you asked some other question, like how a tendon connects with a bone or something, people would be like "i dont fucking know, i'm not a doctor"

but when it's political people magically become experts and have a big opinion

And ya, I think you're right.. people thinking they should get free abortions (meaning, other people pay for it.. not actually free lol) is pretty wild.. but it's probably a reaction to other people trying to make it illegal.

like oh okay, then we'll try this

Politics in that sense is basically like removing it from personal and intimate. Overarching, automated one-size solution.

And then people rush to extremes as like a political science strategy.

The strategy might make sense within the "game" of trying to win at politics, but then what happens is people actually think they have that opinion.. like they don't realize they're involved in a game of political battle or whatever, they start to just actually think that way about the topic

Sad topic. But you're speaking rightly about it.

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