Sigil for Making Contact with the Sylphs for Help Regarding Geo-Engineering

in #aakom6 years ago



A new friend requested that I talk to the Sylphs regarding what we can do about geo-engineering.

I opened a conversation with the Sylph's last night, using a modified technique I learned from Machaelle Small Wright's book Perelandra Garden Workbook II on how to contact the Nature Spirits. I asked them if I am to work on this project myself and they told me "This is for @elamental."

But all of us can work on this - in fact, when I see chemtrails again, I am going to think of this Sigil.

I had found this website that they told me that I should tell him about.

Basically, to connect with them, I just asked to be connected with them, and then I used Machealle Small Wright's kineseology self-testing to see if I am connected, after waiting about 10 seconds as she suggests.

If I was not connected, I would just get quieter - and ask again, but I was connected. I also connected with my Higher Self. One could also ask Pan to be present, as well as any other Higher Power of one's choosing... I asked God to be there, The Creator.

And with the Sigil - use it - redraw it - color it in (to get it into your subconscious mind) and use it to contact the elementals and find out what we can do as individuals to aid in saving ourselves and the Gaia, from geo-engineering.


If we all use our mental powers when we look up at the sky and see geo-engineering - and think of this Sigil, or create another, we will be giving the Sylphs needed power from us, to do away with geo-engineering in a way that none of us can know right now.

What I have learned so far, from reading about the Nature Spirits at Findhorn and Perelandra, is that they want to co-create with us - but they know the "how and when and what" part of the solutions, and we are to ask and then follow through on the intuitions we receive.

I have had small experiences with asking for a squirrel to leave my boyfriend's property, and asking for wasps to move along, and those things have worked, so I believe that I can do this on all levels, large and small.

We have been rendered disunified as a movement of humans by the power elite who are using dark luciferian magick against us, but we CAN unite against that tyranny through working with the Nature Spirits individually and in small groups and aid them in the battle for our freedom and life for all sentient beings.


Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Yes, the only way to save our species' place on this planet is to make the planet aware of our intentions, ask what it needs from us, and execute those actions. There is no difference between big and small, like Yoda says, "no different, only different in your mind. You must un-learn what you have learned." We can beat the dark forces attempting to work against us and the Earth, that is why I titled my recent album The Hex Wrecker. Thank you so much for doing this, and making the nature spirits aware of the work I am doing. Sometimes I feel like I am not doing enough, and always am looking for ways I can help further. Blessings.

I know how you feel... but "enough" is a left brain quantifyer - we are all doing what we can do. You have nature that you are planting in and you can talk to the spirits in the outdoors - that is such a blessing. I talk to them in my apartment in big-city land - and it is equally rewarding but I prefer natural surroundings - sun, wind, trees... so we keep on keepin on.

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