Encaustic Experiment #9a, The Scarab Sigil & Necklace

in #aakom6 years ago

My work is always a search for an experience with the Divine... it is inspired by daily experience - I found this beetle body perfectly preserved in a bottle on my property last weekend and decided to use it in a piece of art..


I decided I am going to change this up... I am going to make a silver Scarab sigil necklace today ...


I’m going to take this apart - and do 2 pieces with it - but just do this one as the scarab - that’s the cool thing about encaustic is that I can take it apart with the heat gun...just heat up the wax and change everything around...

I researched the scarab- it is about death and rebirth - as most of you probably know... the ancient Egyptians worshipped the scarab as a symbol

because it took the dung (death and refuse) of animals into itself and transformed it into new life - this is a profound symbol of death and rebirth - of the usefulness of all material on earth and in the face of our throw-away society - it seems so distant- but perhaps as a result of that distance - humans suffer so intensely from transition - because it dips past the veil into the 4th dimension...

It seems today that the el-ite’s are attempting to create a completely artificial world so that nature becomes an unnecessary memory...

But at birth and death - unless they take that over as well (Logan’s Run) in coming generations, we still see the power of the Creator- hence our disturbance with transition...

So the sigil I came up with for that ancient archetypal image is All is well... because when we are in transition through an ending > new beginning time- creates always a sense of confusion...

Now, is all well, really? Absolutely NOT!!! When one suffers all suffer - so many suffer today unnecessarily - however- in order to evolve- we will have to utilize the paradox to raise our consciousness by leaders who know ALL IS WELL In the scheme of things...

Here’s the Sigil:

And here is the drawing for the necklace:

Today I make the wax form for the scarab-


I am shooting for having it cast in silver for the first Friday in July....

And in addition- I intend to revitalize all my previous work with a coat of encaustic- and potentially a necklace...

Here is this painting from 2014:

And the drawing for the necklace:

The sigil will be from Psalm 91 - He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.


A dangling feather symbolizes the prayer...

Personally I subscribe to the idea that the Old Testament was created by misunderstanding Jews who thought they were speaking of “God” but instead as per the Sumerian Tablets, they had been adjusted by the Annunaki for their purposes - of slavery- as per where we find ourselves today...

But the Psalms themselves still work as profound prayers to the larger Creator of the Universe...

The thing about the feathers in Psalm 91 is a clear indicator that these gods were reptilian bird like aliens- but the people who buy this stuff don’t know that and that’s OK with me...


Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

An interesting post, thank you. It reminded me of The Mummy movie :)

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