Let’s Watch with Travelgirl #10 - My Life As Loan Shark |  街坊財爺

in #aaa5 years ago

Hi Everyone,

When I saw the main leading actors and actress I knew I had to watch it. Kent Cheng was one of the biggest loan sharks in the industry and makes his fortune by doing shady businesses and putting on ridiculous amounts of interest on those who came to use his service. His wife Maggie Shiu married him when he had nothing years ago but believes what he is doing is not right and should stop immediately. She also believes the reason they haven’t had kids for so many years is because Kent has been doing too many things to hurt others deliberately financially and its punishment from god they don’t have a child.


Maggie’s sister Mandy suddenly comes home from overseas. The is a social work specialise helping those who are in debt. Funnily enough, she doesn’t know that her brother in law Kent is a loan shark and thinks he is a proper businessman. Due to various reason, she met Chris Lai who is a police officer always on Kent’s back as he believes it is Kent who caused his best friends to disappear. Mandy and Chris have their own storyline once they started as friends then as lovers.



Being a loan shark for some long, Kent suddenly changed his thoughts on his practice. Due to an incident in the series, his views of the world changed. He no longer wants to chase people money but instead, want to give more out to the needy. Why that change? And is he really going to keep changing to be a better person?


I am only 2/3 of the series as it is still currently airing. So far, the series is great to relax to as there are so many sudden bits that makes you laugh. Kent is a natural when it comes to comedy characters but I am surprised to see Maggie being so relaxed and compliment Kent very well in the drama. She is generally in more serious drama or plays a more professional character. Chris Lai is also pretty comical in some scenes which remind viewers of his character in an old sitcom “Come Home Love”.

最近追看街坊財爺因為有我很喜歡的鄭則仕, 邵美琪和黎諾懿, 差不多每晚都有追. 鄭則仕的角色是一名很有名的財務公司的老闆靠人家給他利息來轉到他第一桶金. 他的老婆邵美琪就是相反,覺得他老公做了很多壞事所以他們結婚多年都沒有小孩,她覺得是‘報應’. 邵美琪好希望他的老公可以轉型做正當生意. 因為一場事件讓鄭則仕慢慢變好.

黎諾懿是一名警察,不停找鄭則仕的犯罪證據但每次都找不到. 他認為鄭則仕害他一個好兄弟失蹤所以用盡辦法來讓鄭則仕沒有好日子過. 因為鄭則仕,他認識邵美琪的妹妹黃智雯而會從朋友變成情人.鄭則仕演喜劇其實很棒但沒有想到邵美琪都可以那麼好笑. 現在已經播了20 集,還有 1/3 所以下一次在跟大家分享這部劇的看法/感受


animation by @catwomanteresa

Travelgirl pic.jpeg

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謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 . 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片和視頻都是我們自己拍的


斋睇阵容都值得回票价啦😂 有肥猫又点可以错过呢

等我搵到proxy 去单翻黎睇下先。

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我都覺得是啊. 你有看這套嗎?

冇啦。马拉有墙😂 原因係,国家电视台同芒果签咗约,所以打击网上直播打到老母都唔认得。

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is it cool?

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