Goal - Happy Fruitful Cry.

in #aaa5 years ago


Goal - Happy Fruitful Cry.

Film Goal is a film that tells about a child who aspires to become a world-famous soccer player. The film originating from England was able to win several world film awards.

The film, directed by Danny Cannon, includes players such as Kuno Becker, Alessandro Nivola, Marcel Iures, and Stephen Dillane. The release date is September 30, 2005. This is the first film of the Goal! Trilogy. This film was made in full cooperation with FIFA, because this is the original player used in every game in this film.


The film begins with a Mexican boy named Santiago Muñez playing soccer. That same night, his family moved to the border with the United States with the aim of illegally entering the United States to get a better life. When a US Customs and Border Protection car appears, they all try to cross the fence. At the time of the commotion, Santi dropped the valuable item, but did not take it back.


Ten years later, Santiago lives in the Barrio section of Los Angeles. and now works with his father as a gardener. At night, he worked as a busboy at a Chinese restaurant, where he failed to try to get a promotion as a waiter. He also played soccer on a local team called AJFC. He went to play football after working with his father. He saved his money and hid it in his shoes every night so he could someday buy soccer equipment.


The next day, while playing football, Glen Foy, a former Newcastle player and now a car mechanic accidentally saw him play the ball with great admiration. Glen told Santiago in the next match, he would call an agent of a soccer player who was in America to arrange a meeting with the Newcastle manager. The Agent, Barry Rankin, did not care and lie on the day of the next match by saying that he was in a meeting.


Santiago became very disappointed. Another time, Glen himself called the Newcastle boss and convinced him to give Santiago a trial. Glen then told Santiago that if he could go to England, he would be allowed to try to enter Newcastle United.


Santiago feels nothing is more important than joining the club. After all, he didn't have enough money, so he kept trying hard to make money and keep it in his shoes. One afternoon he returned home and finally found out that his father had stolen the money he had hidden in his shoes and used it to buy a new Chevy Truck, his father intended that they could have their own garden business.


When Santiago was angry with his father, his father explained "This is a way to make things go better! This is how a man lives" to santiago. Santiago then shouted to his father, "This is your way of life!" and then into his room, he was very disappointed that his father had never come to see every match he played, but his grandmother who encouraged Santiago to follow his dream decided to sell his jewelry to buy a ticket for santiago to go to London.


When he arrived in England, Glen welcomed Santi warmly at his home and planned a trial period. Santi really failed on his first trial and was immediately released by the manager. Glen then convinced the manager that Santi experienced jetlag, nerves and was not used to playing in the muddy fields.


Glen asked for 1 month trial and was granted by the manager. Santi successfully passes a medical test by lying about her asthma, and meets with nurse Roz Harmison. One night, Santi and her friend Jamie went clubbing ... a month later, in a match to fight for a spare seat, a teammate later destroyed Santi's inhaler. Because of that, he played very badly because of his asthma. the reserve team manager decided to release the game because of a bad game.


On his way to the airport to go home, Santi accidentally met Harris in the same taxi because Harris was late to practice because the tires of his car were stolen. Harris remembers seeing Santi at the club discover what really happened at the reserve team match. Harris convinced the manager to extend Santi's trial period. after being treated at the club, Santi can play more confident and aggressive in the reserve match. Finally he was put on the reserve team.


First he entered the Fulham match when many players from the first team were injured. He got a chance when the player was injured and won a penalty. Meanwhile, his father watched the game on TV and was happy because his son could get into a good team. The manager tells Santi that his biggest weakness is Santi doesn't like to pass the ball .. Santi is then transferred back to the reserve team. Santi thinks that he won't be able to last long at the club, then he goes to St. James' Park. The manager tells Santi to leave and so he can feel when playing in Newcastle's final match against Liverpool.


Santi's teammate, Jamie, suffered an injury while competing in a reserve match, then Santi finally found that Jamie would never be able to play football again, causing her to be very sad. IN Los Angeles, when he finished his work as a garden with Santi's younger brother, his father died of a heart attack. Santi knew this before the match and made her become very shocked. When he waited at the airport to return to Los Angeles, he decided not to go home and remained in England to play in the final match against Liverpool.


In the match against Liverpool, Newcastle took the first lead with a goal by Harris. Before the break, Liverpool scored two goals, one from Igor Bišćan and from Milan Baroš. Before injury time, Santi helped Harris score by passing the ball to him and fixing his biggest weakness, and the score was 2-2. However, the Series will not be enough for Newcastle to get a place in the Champions League next season. Then Newcastle got a free kick. Instead of kicking himself, Harris asked Santi to do it. Santi, with hopes and prayers from all residents of the city of Newcastle piled on his shoulder, and then Santi managed to score.



The game ended 3-2 for Newcastle and Glen ran down and stood up to give Santi his phone because grandmotheranti called. Grandma is very happy and proud and congratulates her grandson. Grandma Santi also told me that before her father died, she watched Santiago in the match against Fulham. Santiago shouted to Glen that his father had seen him play and be proud of Santi before he died. The film goal ended when Santiago shed tears after successfully fulfilling his dream.


Director Danny Cannon
Matt Barrelle producer Mark Huffam
Author Adrian Butchart Dick Clement
Ian La Frenais
Touchstone Pictures distributor

List of Player Names

Ancient Becker - Santiago Munez Alessandro Nivola - Gavin Harris Marcel Iures - Erik Dornhelm Stephen Dillane - Glen Foy Anna Friel - Roz Harmison Kieran O'Brien - Hughie McGowan Sean Pertwee - Barry Rankin Cassandra Bell - Christina Alejandro Tapia - Julio

Achieved Awards

2009 Golden Trailer
Golden Fleece2007 Imagen Foundation Awards Nominated Awards Winner of the Imagen Award (Imagen Award) for Ancient Becker
Nominated for Best Picture (Imagen Award) Nominated for Best Supporting Actor - Film (Imagen Award) for Tony Plana Nominated for Best Supporting Actress - Film (Imagen Award) for Miriam Colon 2006
Teen Choice Awards
Movies nomination - Choice Breakout (Male) (Teen Choice Award) for Ancient Becker
Nominated Movies - Choice Drama (Teen Choice Award)

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