Jin Ping Mei's film Politics of Women's Sexuality

in #aaa5 years ago


Jin Ping Mei's film Politics of Women's Sexuality

The story begins with the efforts of Ximen Qing (Hsi-men Ch'ing) who seduced Pan Jilian (P'an ​​Chin-Lien), wife of Wu Dalang (Wu Ta-Lang). Long story short, Ximen Qing managed to establish a secret relationship with Pan Jilian. But unfortunately, the husband managed to uncover the relationship but fell down due to Ximen Qing's panic attack.


In his room, Wu Dalang repeatedly berated Pan Jilian. Pan Jilian who tried to cure her husband was offered a drug by Ximen Qing - this version of the miniseries was different from the written version on the internet, perhaps trying to attract the sympathy of the audience to the female lead character. Unfortunately, the drug was poison and Wu Dalang died the night he took the medicine.


Wu Song (Wu Sung), Tiger Hunter Swordsman who had just returned from his assignment was surprised to meet his brother who died suddenly. The results of his investigation led him to the affair of Pan Jilian and Ximen Qing. Wu Song immediately searched for his brother's poison. Unfortunately, Ximen Qing's tactics brought Wu Song to kill the wrong people (at this point the story starts differently from the Water Edge). As I recall, the first episode ended with the disposal of Wu Song to another city.


Politics in Polygamy
After being thrown out of Wu Song, Ximen Qing threatened Mr. Pan Jilian to kill Wu Song unless Pan Jilian was willing to be his wife to serve him for life. Pan Jilian had no choice but to be the wife of Ximen Qing - in the miniseries version, Pan Jilian actually fell in love with Wu Song while in the written version, Pan Jilian did want to be with Ximen Qing.


The story continues, it turns out that Ximen Qing already has many wives and Pan Jilian is the fifth wife. The next four episodes were filled with politics carried out by Pan Jilian, from motivation to defend himself to finally reaching the highest bargaining position in the family. Sex became Pan Jilian's main weapon in facing Ximen Qing's old wives.


Pan Jilian's political prowess was proven when Ximen Qing raped a maid (err ... Chun Mei?). Pan Jilian changed the tragedy by preventing the servant from committing suicide. Thanks to Pan Jilian's incitement, instead of ending his life, the female servant became Pan Jilian's ally, appealing to Ximen Qing (through sex of course) which further improved Pan Jilian's defense in the face of his seniors (read old wives).

Jin Ping Mei Eps 2_preview_Moment(2).jpg

The political end of Pan Jilian began with Ximen Qing's interest in his best friend's wife. The condition was made worse by the success of Ximen Qing seizing the wife of a friend through almost the same way (killing the woman's husband and marrying the woman). The new wife (Li Ping Er?) Then became pregnant and had children so that her degree rose to become Ximen Qing's favorite wife.

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Because of Ximen Qing's situation which turned out to have more enemies than had been thought by Pan Jilian, Ximen Qing was finally killed (in the written version because of the mostly temporary affections in the miniseries version because the first wife was poisoned) and the destruction of Pan Jilian's political activities.

Sex in Male Domination
Pan Jilian's behavior in the miniseries film might make him labeled a naughty woman. But all of Pan Jilian's mischief in the film miniseries was caused by too much male power, in this case, Ximen Qing. Ximen Qing was a man who had a lot of money to be able to bribe royal officials. While in the family, Ximen Qing was ironic and authoritarian and did not hesitate to swing his hand at his troubled wives. Sex is the only way for women around Ximen Qing.



Even now, the charm of women is still able to control men. Although motivation is different, where in Jin Pin's story Mei the politics of sex is done to avoid pressure from other wives while most cases in the present political sex are done to get extra money to develop his personal career, the point remains the same, political sex will remain as long as the conditions that make it possible remain the same:
men feel themselves great,
men have a lot of money,
men don't know the meaning of loyalty.



some naive people assume that polygamy is a way out to avoid cases like this. Even though as in Jin Pin's story in May, sexual desire knows no boundaries. Ximen Qing who already had five wives still wanted his best friend's wife and still raped his servant.


If we consider women, polygamy can be devastating. Ximen Qing might have power but clearly he actually never cared for his wives. What he cares about is his lust. Political games such as violence and slander occur because of their indifference to the family.


In another episode of Tepi Air (Shui Hu Zhuan), the episode of Worldly Monk Lu Zhishen (Lu Chi-sen), there is a story about a young woman named Jin Cuilian who was polygamous by a butcher slaughterer driven out by the first wife. Instead of being responsible, the butcher slaughterer didn't want to and instead persecuted Jin Cuilian and his father.

Because of that, it's no wonder that some of the dark lovers from officials prefer the status of a lover. Becoming a second wife will not lift their rank for the better if the man cannot guarantee the safety of the lover.


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