[AAA][Review #20] We Are Your Friends

in #aaa5 years ago (edited)

Many movies at first seem doomed to failure for having a simple and empty story, however strangely sometimes manage to get ahead and charm the public, and this is what happened to me with this movie, a movie that I know does not have the best story but that I still get to enjoy and spend a very good time watching.

This is a movie that stands out more for its creative elements than for the simple story that has as the central focus, after all, we have the classic story of a group of dysfunctional friends who go to Los Angeles to fulfill their dreams of life and above all to earn money.


The Story

We Are Your Friends is a movie about the struggle and sacrifices necessary to achieve success. In this movie, we have a group of friends who initially work in a bar promoting the place and making the customers go and spend money there, a place where besides working they spend most of their nights having a great time. However, one of them (Zac Efron-Cole) wants to be a professional DJ and fortunately one night he meets one of the most popular DJs in the world, a man who takes him under his wing and helps him achieve his dream. If we analyze a little so far the story is normal and not much different from others of his style, basically it is a young man with a dream that knows the man able to make that dream come true and help him to reach the top, but ... It gets complicated when Cole falls madly in love with the assistant/girlfriend of the famous DJ, something that will unleash all kinds of craziness in the story.

A funny plot where we see the creative and loving evolution of a young man in search of a dream, a young man who manages to canalize all his life experiences in a sound that will be the one that gives him success.

The interesting thing about the film is that in addition to the plot of the two young lovers we have a subplot that develops very well and does not ruin the main plot but rather serves as a complement. A subplot where we see something as heartbreaking as the real estate crisis that hit the United States for so long and that took innocent victims leaving them in the street.

This is a story that deals not only with music, art, abuse and love relationships but also how a group of friends are able to support each other even if not all have the same goals.


The Amazing Music & Creative Elements

As I said at the beginning of the review this is a movie with a simple story and characters where the highest point for me are the creative expressions that achieves through the sounds, the music and especially the visual effects and camerawork that gets.

The creators of this film are able to magically combine the music of some of the best DJs with an incredible graphic visualization where we can see an amazing visual effect and a great blurring of scenes that perfectly detached. The way in which the music takes over the story is great, becoming the link of all the story.

In addition to visual effects and a magnificently implemented soundtrack, the director shines with the visual shots in slow motion and with really engaging backgrounds where we feel part of the story. The truth is I'm looking forward to watching this movie in a virtual reality player because I feel it will be a unique experience.

The film achieves through music and animations transport us to a state of total harmony with the music where we feel trapped by the good creative performance of the creators.

Gif made by me from the original video


An entertaining movie that catches us by its magnificent soundtrack and the incredible visual effects that combines with the raw sound that emphasize in a lot of scenes of the movie. A story that despite being simple gives us some intense moments that try to resemble some of the most heartbreaking realities of an era of the United States.

In short, this is a movie that perfectly fulfills its mission, to entertain and to be fun and interesting.

My Review: 7,2/10

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