in #aaa5 years ago


‘Alcohol crushes the memory of the glow, knocks it out.’ Danny Torrance lives tormented by everything that happened at the Overlook Hotel, by the ghosts that almost constantly return to because of him because they are hungry… ‘Doctor Dream’ talks about those ghosts, about those monsters that stalk us. Some may be real, others not, and in some cases the weight of the past is a burden that is difficult to escape. No one can run away from himself if he looks at himself in a mirror.

There is no "Doctor Dream" in the innocence that Frankestein's monster showed when playing with flowers with a farmer's little daughter. Flannagan gets classic to show the evil of some of the
characters from his movie. ‘Casablanca’ as an excuse for what can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. ‘Frankenstein’ to show the death of innocence. The director and screenwriter knows what kind of people Rose is the top hat and her cronies. She doesn't go with half measures. If 'the world is nothing more than a palliative care residence with fresh air' (I think in the film unlike the novel it is said that the world is a hospital), now the monsters not only stay in the Overlook, no they only stay in room 237. 'The world is nothing more than an extension of the Overlook Hotel with fresh air'.

"Time will tell if Flanagan's work deserves the cult tape label or not, but without a doubt this is one of the tapes of the year, regardless of who weighs it"

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