Aluminum Alcohol Alzheimer’s association as toxic metals annihilate bee populations

in #aa6 years ago (edited)

“If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live.” - Albert Einstein

Aluminum: New factor in the decline of bee populations?

You getting a buzz yet? Born circa 1193, St. Albert the Great was one of the greatest intellectuals of the Catholic Church; in fact, he's one of only 35 Saints honored with of "Doctor" of the Church. Hey,hey, hey, St. Albert is the patron saint of scientists by Pope Pius XII in 1941 and not the soft scientists like psychologists or political scientists but hard sciences like geology, chemistry and physics.

Bees suffer dementia due to metal pollution: Aluminium contamination may be behind insect decline

Death metal bands up in the charts? By 1265 Kubla Khan in China was writing a letter to Pope Clement IV all Pax Roman with the Han Empire with a Pax Islamic Golden age of hits like Star Trek Wrath of Khan at a Marco Polo 1950's segregated pool twilight zone party dispute for a religion of Traders as if explained by a death metal band.

Drinking alcohol, even in moderation, 'a dementia risk

But my escapist psychological defense mechanism of becoming inebriated with alcohol to ignore the facts of Aluminum, Barium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminum oxide (Al2O3)–boron carbide (B4C) composites are being found in rainwater samples. Aluminium is a known neurotoxin and occupational exposure to aluminium has been implicated in neurological disease including Alzheimer's disease.

Study: Lead and Other Toxic Metals Found in E-Cigarette ‘Vapors’

The Po-ssi being by nature bent on commerce, they are in the habit of sailing in big craft on the [Mediterranean] sea, and they enter the Indian Ocean to Ceylon, where they get precious stones, .... They also go to the K'un-lun country [Probably Africa] to fetch gold. The also sail in big craft to China straight to Canton for silk piece goods and the like ware. The inhabitants enjoy the killing of cattle; they serve Heaven [Allah] and do not know the law of Buddha. - Splendid Exchange Ch.4 The Baghdad-Canton Express, citing a way older book

Come on... a tribe in Africa called the Po-ssi? Posse: a body of men, typically armed, summoned by a sheriff to enforce the law. Sometimes, when I feel dumb as a box of rocks and my insurance will cover a cat scan but my Korean doctor says it is the year of the dog and is being difficult as if he has a case of box of rocks for brains, I consider the real farm, past the dairy farm and the funny Pharm with their project monarch mkultra, project 40 oz Mena Arkansas Rose Law Firm rites to Rocky Feller Snake Oil as if an American Made documentary movie pre game Olympic show and see:

3 Mineral Waters That Can Remove Aluminum from the Brain

Armor meat packing ran experiments on US soldiers too all mad hatter mercury what can a metal experiment with solider test subjects can farts. Shhhh I have a canned fart from a solider from back in the day... it's top secret...

Soldiers Used as ‘Guinea Pigs’ by the US Military

Ad hominem short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argumentative strategy whereby an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

But your not being psychotically patriotically in a fit of denial. Pentagon Admits 60,000 Black Soldiers Used in Human Experiment

Geology is a hard science whereas political science or psychology are soft sciences. Mad scientists that experiment on minorities without their consent?

Geoengineering Whistleblower ~ Ex-Military ~ Kristen Meghan, Hauppauge, NY, January 18th, 2014
Aluminum, Barium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminum oxide (Al2O3)–boron carbide (B4C) composites are being found in rainwater samples.


The Bubi people (also known as Bobe, Voove, Ewota, and Bantu Bubi) are a Bantu ethnic group of Central Africa who are indigenous to Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Once the majority group in the region, the population experienced a sharp decline due to disease and outright killing sprees during Portuguese expeditions. By the end of Spanish colonial rule in the mid 20th century, and after substantial intermarriage with newly introduced populations, such as Afro-Cubans, Krio people, Portuguese people and Spaniards, the Bubi people, again, experienced a great decline in number. Seventy-five percent perished due to tribal/clan rooted political genocide during a civil war that led to Spanish Guinea's independence from Spain. This, too, sparked mass exodus from their homeland with most of the exiles and refugees immigrating into Spain. The indigenous Bubi of Bioko Island have since been outnumbered—first by non-indigenous Krio Fernandinos; and then by members of the Fang ethnic group, who have immigrated in large numbers from Río Muni. Once numbering over 3 million, the Bubi currently number less than 100,000 worldwide.

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