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RE: What the heck is a "Permaculture Polyculture"??????????

in #gardening7 years ago

I've been experimenting with polycultures this year with good results.

For example I planted cabbages and cauliflowers in amongst a mix of rhubarb, raspberries and chives. Interestingly the cabbages and cauliflowers have way less caterpillars than normal. I wonder if the 'scent' of the other plants disguises the scent of the brassicas for the butterflies?


The "Three Sisters" of Corn, Beans, and Squash, could be considered a form of a "Polyculture"!!! Maybe the scent of something like Chives, is repulsive to the moths that plague your Brassicas? Be sure to write down exactly what you planted etc., in a Journal, so you will know as you tweek the mix in future years.

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