Importance Of Wisdom

in #a6 years ago (edited)

Wisdom is an important topic examined by Socrates in Plato’s Apology. Socrates points out that wisdom is admitting one’s own ignorance. Socrates believes that his own wisdom comes from realizing that “in respect of wisdom he is really worthless”. Socrates shows wisdom because he is able to admit what he does not know. He does not pretend to have knowledge when he does not have it. Socrates puts different people reputed for knowledge into examination and concludes that they do not really have any wisdom. He finds that “the people with the greatest reputations were almost entirely deficient, while others who were suppose to be their inferiors were much more noteworthy for their general good sense”. It is actually those who claim to lesser knowledge who have greater wisdom. This means that possession of human knowledge cannot lead to wisdom. Instead, ignorance and one’s capability to accept it is the key to true wisdom.

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