Why Is A-Coin Token So Important To The World?

in #a3 years ago

First, what is A-Coin Token and why is it important at all? A-Coin Token or ACT is arguably the most important cryptocurrency to make its way into the crypto news to date. Yes, this is a bold statement. Why would anyone be so bold as to utter these words without a track record to show for it? My name is Michaelson Williams and I am the creator of A-Coin Token (ACT), and it is worthy of my bold statement. Not because I say so... But because A-Coin Token has the ability to set in motion a positive chain reaction like nothing you've ever seen. See ACT trades Goal-Achievement Success much like a commodity on the stock exchange, but as a cryptocurrency. A-Coin Token (ACT) drives Successful Goal Achievement for people who cannot seem to get ahead of the game.

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Creator of A-Coin Token Michaelson Williams
Second, Why I believe goal achievement is so important to the world. Goal achievement is paramount to the success of the entire global population. Our society cannot survive if the rich are getting more rich, but the poor are getting poorer. Healthy social constructs are never one sided. I have nothing against the Uber Rich as they have worked very hard to get where they are in society. What I have a problem with is, many wealthy people seldom honestly look out for the poor. The ultra wealthy look at common folks as more like pets and not as equals in many cases. The Uber Rich send their children to special schools. These hallowed grounds of advanced learning are sometimes called Mystery Schools. In these schools the offspring of the mega wealthy learn a different type of curriculum. Mystery schools teach children of the wealthy to be special. Your little ones, the children you love dearly are programmed to be average. Read Trainwashing; The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing for more on this topic.

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Third, Should the offspring of the Mega Wealthy have a better chance at success than you or your children? Absolutely Not... The only way to level the playing field is by creating avenues of higher goal achievement for everyone. Why is this so important? When people achieve more successes even little ones they become more successful. This may sound like a no-brainer and it really is, but at the same time not fully understood or practiced. As a Universal principle success attracts more success. As a regular human principle people love being around winners and high performers, even if they are not themselves a high performance type of person. This is why the rich get richer while poor people remain the same or get poorer. This is a simple act of karma, energy, and mind with action as its final ingredient. I've never ever seen a poor man become rich by keeping the company of other poor men. Poor men talk about being poor, while rich men are almost always talking about creating more wealth. One of these groups are programming abundance while the other is programming lack.

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Finally, I've created A-COIN TOKEN for the sole purpose of giving the average person a way to change their life for the better. How?... By letting people invest in their ability to achieve small goals at first, and parleying those small successes into bigger ones over time. A-Coin Token (ACT) will allow these same people to trade cryptocurrency for their successful goal achievements. Each goal achieved acts as a catapult towards another, creating the confidence to continue on to even more successes. The bottom line is only 8% of people who go after lifelong or otherwise goals realize success. This number is much to low! More individual success will change our society for the better, and do so naturally. A-COIN TOKEN IS THE VEHICLE THAT WILL DRIVE YOUR SUCCESSFUL GOAL ACHIEVEMENT.

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For more on the A-Coin Token (ACT) project visit this link: https://mmapmagazine.com/mmapgoals-project/


Michaelson Williams,TSX, Author of True Success Naturally, Editor-n-Chief at MMAP Magazine, Creator of A-Coin Token project

Michaelson Willams Editor-n-Chief at MMAP Magazine.png


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