music A - Z challenge #A

in #a-zmusic4 years ago

I’ve been feeling way too serious lately as a pitfall of sheltering solo. Thanks to @psos for creating fun challenges to inject some joy into our community. This particular challenge’s rules are:

  1. Each post = ONE alphabet letter. Choose 2 bands or singers and 1 song to represent each.
  2. Write something as to why you are sharing the artist or song.
  3. Share a link 🎵

All songs I post will be from my Driving Playlist - songs for contemplation while on the road.

Aqualung - Strange and Beautiful (I’ll Put a Spell On You)

I love a good lyric video. This song by Aqualung, Strange and Beautiful is romantic and haunting. This represents how love is ever so mysterious and beautiful. I imagine it is a magical feeling to wake up and find someone you love loving you back. This song is mysterio-sappy.

Artist: Amylie (Amylie Boisclair) - Mes oreilles

What better way to practice French than by listening to music to make my brain make the connections. I like how this artist thinks and have several Amylie songs on my playlist. I include the lyrics (les paroles) and English translation. Google translate is a bit rough and doesn’t quite translate the poetry of the lyrics. I will fix them as I revisit this post in the future. If French is your first language, feel free to help.

Tu parles, tu parles, tu dis mais tu dis rien
Que des mots en rafale sans but et sans lien
Tu déraisonnes d’une voix qui grogne
Croyant à l’illusion que l’on comprend à la force du ton

Mais voilà que tu éclates à mon plus grand désarroi
Rempli de mots disparates que j’ne comprends pas
Et arrête tes inepties, je veux avoir le cœur net
Tu parles à l’infini c’est pire qu’une devinette

Un déluge de mots
Expulsé exprès
Pour laver mon cerveau
Et te défouler bien faire

Et tu cries et tu cries mais moi je ne t’entends pas
Je n’entends qu’un bruit blanc qui sort de toi
Tu cries et tu cries mais pourquoi tu cries comme ça
T’as pas encore compris que j’t’écouterai pas
Tu cries et tu cries mais moi je ne t’entends pas
Dis moi des mots gentils et peut-être là
Tu cries et tu cries mais pourquoi tu cries comme ça
T’as pas encore compris que j’t’écouterai pas
Tant que tu n’me diras pas doucement ce qu’il y a
Je boucherai devant toi mes oreilles de mes doigts, ah ha ah ah

Tu parles, tu parles, tu dis mais, tu dis rien
Prends ton temps et ravales, la rage ne te vas pas bien
Ta langue bafouille au même rythme qu’elle se fourche
Des mots qui trahissent ton mal farouche
Et arrête de te débattre et reçoit ce que j’te donne
Ya rien de plus beau que deux âmes qui s’abandonnent
Et si toujours tu perçois le calme dans voix c’est pour qu’enfin tu sois plus sûr de toi

Commandé par l’emprise
Des émotions qui grondent
Te prennent et te conduisent
Aux abysses les plus sombres

Et tu cries et tu cries mais moi je ne t’entends pas
Je n’entends qu’un bruit blanc qui sort de toi
Tu cries et tu cries mais pourquoi tu cries comme ça
T’as pas encore compris que j’t’écouterai pas
Tu cries et tu cries mais moi je ne t’entends pas
Dis moi des mots gentils et peut-être là
Tu cries et tu cries mais pourquoi tu cries comme ça
T’as pas encore compris que je t’écouterai pas

Tant que tu ne me diras pas doucement ce qu’il y a
Je boucherai devant toi mes oreilles de mes doigts, ah

Amylie - My ears

You speak, you speak, but you say nothing
That aimless and unrelated burst of words
You unreason in a growling voice
Believing in the illusion that we understand by the force of the tone

But here you are bursting to my dismay
Filled with disparate words that I don't understand
And stop your nonsense, I want to be clear-cut
You talk endlessly it's worse than a riddle

A flood of words
Dumped on purpose
To wash my brain
And let off some steam

And you cry and you cry but I can't hear you
I only hear a white noise coming out of you
You cry and you cry but why you cry like that
You have not yet understood that I will not listen to you
You cry and you cry but I can't hear you
Tell me nice words and maybe there
You cry and you cry but why you cry like that
You have not yet understood that I will not listen to you
Until you gently tell me what's going on
I will plug my ears with my fingers in front of you, ah ha ah ah

You speak, you speak, but you say nothing
Take your time and eat it, the rage is not going well
Your tongue stammers at the same rate as it fork
Words that betray your fierce evil
And stop struggling and get what I give you
There is nothing more beautiful than two souls who surrender
And if you always perceive calm in your voice, it is so that you are finally more confident

Commissioned by the company
Rumbling emotions
Take you and lead you
To the darkest abyss

And you cry and you cry but I can't hear you
I only hear a white noise coming out of you
You cry and you cry but why you cry like that
You have not yet understood that I will not listen to you
You cry and you cry but I can't hear you
Tell me nice words and maybe there
You cry and you cry but why you cry like that
You have not yet understood that I will not listen to you

Until you gently tell me what's going on
I will plug my ears with my fingers in front of you, ah

I hope you enjoyed my first share for the A-Z music challenge. Join in the fun and share in comments if you’ve joined the party! Thanks again @psos for creating fun challenges.


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