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in Deep Dives4 years ago

It's not just the police; our whole society is set up to protect and serve one set of people, and to police and stamp down on another set of people. What's happening now with the protests and riots in America is just one terribly graphic way this truth has come to our attention; the poor and those who stand up for the poor are being arrested, tear-gassed, shot and beaten up, while Wall Street and property owners are being protected against the ire of the poor.


source: Wikimedia Commons

These days I've got little energy to write these daily posts, as almost all of it is spent getting riled up and angry watching the news. So I won't say much and just invite you to watch the hour long video by Some More News, a channel you should definitely subscribe to. It should come as no surprise to anyone that peaceful protesters are being arrested, when in the media and in politics the protesters are being labeled violent criminals and looters, or terrorists even. They all claim to stand with the peaceful protesters, but the looters and rioters should be stopped by any means necessary. In some articles and political speeches the terms "antifa" and "left wing activists" are used interchangeably. By trying to draw a clear line between looters and protesters, you lose sight of the fact that in many cases these are the same. Is it really that hard to imagine that people are angry at "the man" after decades of police brutality going unpunished? After so many decades of always bailing out the rich and letting the rest rot? Is it so hard to imagine that the economically deprived decide, after yet another innocent poor black man falls victim to the elite's guard- and attack-dogs, to take matters in their own hands this time, and smash the windows of a Target store and take something back?

Police brutality may have been the catalyst, but that's not the only thing these protests are about. It's a desperate cry for help. It's an ultimate attempt at finally being heard, and being listened to. In the video, Cody gives us a detailed and well reasoned explanation about the real causes and meaning of the George Floyd protests, describes how the police respond with more police brutality against protesters who protest against police brutality, and explains how Trump is NOT the cause of all this but rather just one more symptom of the bipartisan failure to listen to the voice of the people. Be warned; Cody is a funny man and usually an entertaining watch, but this is disheartening to watch, even if he attempts to be his usual funny self from time to time. What's happening in America right now is fascism, pure and simple. The protests are now being used to close aide-programs under the guise of "public safety". Much of the violence is instigated by the police themselves and far-right white nationalists. The police are on a constant lookout for the slightest excuse to use excessive force. This is punishment on a large scale, meant to instill fear into the hearts of law-abiding and God-fearing citizens, to shut them up. This is domestic state terrorism. Not convinced? Just watch...

How To Cover These Police Riots - SOME MORE NEWS

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@zyx066, that is why I don't watch network news any longer. When I learned that the "news" was just what we send to the "other" nations about how wonderful we are, I quickly tuned out. Now, hmmm, what I watch is a hybrid online primarily from "the Useful Idiots", "Redacted tonight" and Tim Black. They pretty much give the "other side" of the news and are not nearly as entertaining as the Network News.
Good luck and quit getting angry!! Mitch

Thanks so much my friend! :-) I only recently discovered Tim Black when he covered Sanders' campaign in his unique way; Useful Idiots and Redacted Tonight I also watch on occasion and I agree with your assessment of all those channels; it's soothing the soul to hear that "other side" ;-)

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