PowerHouseCreatives Contest | My Favourite Pet Pics (Guest Judge : @fionasfavourites)

in #community5 years ago (edited)

Photo by Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash

Pets & Peeps

This week is a special contest because we have a guest judge, @fionasfavourites everybody!!! She has kindly offered to take the load off me this week to come up with this contest idea as well. Something simple and still a lovely idea. Pets.

Thank you @fionasfavourites

The Judge Monologue

So, my first mistake was to casually respond to @zord189’s question.

what should we do as a contest for the new week?

Something simple. Say I, like ….

Well you know how it turned out: like any good leader, when a minion makes a suggestion, and it’s a good one, he makes you put your money where your mouth is.

What an honour!

So, it was a hard decision, but one of the key criteria was that the selected pet had to have a name. We had great entries – all pulled at my heartstrings for different reasons. So, wearing my heart on my sleeve, that did influence my decision.

First - @tryskele

Second - @traciyork – in the nick of time

Third - @porters

Special mentions: folk who don’t have, but want pets

@bengy – poor man has to have online pets

@foxyspirit – from lizards to rottweilers – who knew?

Well done, and thank you to you all.

My Favourite Pet Pics (Results)

Guest Judge : @fionasfavourites

Criteria :

  1. Share 2 or more of your favourite photos of your pet - any pet. It doesn't have to be domesticated animal like a dog or a cat; it can be a horse, snake or even a spider that you consider a pet and therefore has a name.

  2. Write a little about your pet and what about the photo makes it your favourite - make sure that in at least one of the photos, the type of animal is recogniseable

  3. Entry must not be less than 350 words cause who knows, you might get curie or ocd :)

  4. Add a nice title to your entry.


Submission :

  1. Your Entries(Steemit Post)are to be posted here in the 'community-contest' Channel.

  2. One Entry are allowed per participant.

  3. This contest must be done as a Steemit Post.

  4. Post title must include 'PowerHouseCreatives Contest' but with your own title.


Rewards :

There will be Top 3 Favourites (1 Steem Each + 1 selected rank perk)



Members will be able to win extra reward prizes according to their current rankings. Applicable only to first prize winners unless stated otherwise.

THE PEEPS ✩ : Normal Prize

ENTHUSIASTS ✩✩ : +1 Steem

BRONZE MEMBERS ✩✩✩ : +1.5 Steem

SILVER MEMBERS ✩✩✩✩ : +2 Steem

GOLD MEMBERS ✩✩✩✩✩ : +2 Steem & 1 SBI


Deadline :

Sunday Night, 12/05/2019, 5.59PM (Cape Town) -Contest Ended

Top 3 Favourites (1 Steem Each + 1 Rank Perk)

What's With That Tongue? by @tryskele

Photo by @tryskele

Meet Bear Bear. He was dumped off on the side of the road when he was about 6-8 weeks old. My friend who found him couldn't keep him because his cat kept attacking poor Bear. He ended up with a nice scar between his eyes. He came home November 21, 2014 (the day after Thanksgiving). I am truly thankful for this gift. Even as I write this I am still overwhelmed by immense feelings. The reason for this is because he passed November 4, 2016...

Your Favorite Pet Pics by @traciyork

PowerHouseCreatives Contest -Fave Pet Pics blog thumbnail.jpg
Photo by @traciyork
Now to be fair, asking me which pet is my favorite is like asking me to choose between my kids! However, this little guy now has a special place in my heart since he literally knocked on our door back in November 2018...

My Fav Pet Pics by @porters

Bruno & JJ on deck looking like What is that  3 together.JPG
Photo by @porters
These two are buds!

Bruno (the dog) is the youngest and was raised with a bunch of cats (at one time we had 6 of them all at once.) All these cats were older than Bruno. Because he would grow to be so much bigger than the cats we made sure that the cats were clearly his elders and he learned to accept his position at the bottom of the heap!

Honorable Mentions

My Dream Pet by @foxyspirit


I remember as a kid always wanting to have a lizard. There are so many cute varieties with such different colors and skills, from camouflage to being so slow yet fast in the speed of lightning to catch its prey.

By the age of 18 I always knew that I could never get a lizard. I was fearful of killing it. All those that I knew had a lizard, the little guys never survived for a long time...

My Beloved Pets! by @bengy



Sadly... that photo above is not my pet... I would LOVE to have a cat, but wife is a dog person... and our kids would like to have a Unicorn... so, we've not really been able to come to a consensus about what would be the perfect pet for our household... I'm still convinced that a cat is really that right thing for us!

However, we have a couple of "pets" that exist in our household....

Special Judge Entry

Magic Melon by @fionasfavourites

Photo by @fionasfavourites

Melon was unmissable and has been gone for nearly a year. Ginger Melon MP.

She came home in December 2009; she and her siblings had been abandoned at two or three days old, on the side of a highway, in Mitchell's Plain, one of Cape Town's largest suburbs. One Saturday morning, the Husband had gone into the local vet to collect something for another feline (more of her, another time) while The Cat's Mother sat in the car. When he came out, The Cat's Mother was bidden inside...


@fionasfavourites couldn't help but send in her own entry because this was a topic of her loved ones. Please head on over to her post to give it some love as well as all the other entries too! Thank you @fionasfavourites once again for helping judge the #powerhousecreatives' contest. There would be another guest judge for this week's upcoming contest, so stay tune.

Thank you for sending in your original and awesome entries once again for PowerHouseCreatives weekly contest. We love your constant support and participation from all of you for this weekly contest. Please do drop by and give all these amazing entries some nice loving. Even better, give them a follow if you're all about quality content on Steem.

Want to join our awesome family?

If you want to be part of this awesome community, PowerHouseCreatives is always interested to meet people with amazing personalities and great content creators. If you want to know how to join us? Head on over to @jaynie, our PowerHouseCreatives founder profile and be on the lookout for an invitation link post.

Thank You

If you like what I do, check out my other posts on meetups, animation, and designs.

Get your Personalized Steemit Profile Signatures

DM me on discord : zord189#7776

Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.


Animated Banner Created By @zord189

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://zord189.vornix.blog/2019/05/13/powerhousecreatives-contest-my-favourite-pet-pics-guest-judge-fionasfavourites/


Thanks for the contest! It was fun to write around the topic... Instead of hitting it dead centre!

Lesson is don't answer @zord189 on Discord? Got it...

@bengy - you got it:

don't answer @zord189 on Discord

Anyhow, I did have fun!

Congratulations to the winners!!!!! It was fun to write, and I got to explore the things I would enjoy if some of those I mentioned were real. Fantasy worlds! Now here i come on my dragon!!

I cant find a fox on a dragon... @traciyork??

Would Fox Mulder on a dragon work, @foxyspirit? 😂


Wow, that is you? Your Steem avatar looks so different!

This was such a fun contest, and @fionasfavourites post was heartmeltingly awesomesauce! Thanks so much Fiona and @zord189, and congrats to everyone!


And thank you @traciyork! I'm going to have to have a gif lesson to be able to enter yours! lol

LOL! The only lesson you'd need for this one is where to look for gifs, so that's...


😂 😂 😂

Thanks, @zord189 for the opportunity! I had fun.


The Judge Monologue

Where did that come from?

Hahaha ever since you sent me your part to say :D

Always some fun contests in the PHC! Congrats to the winners this round!

Yeaps congrats!! @plantstoplanks, come join the next contest with guest judge @traciyork :)

I loved all of these posts for this contest. The photos were great and the stories behind them even better. What a wonderful idea @zord189. I hope you run it again soon :)

Thanks to @fionasfavourites for her brilliant idea! The next contest is going to be judged by @traciyork.

Thanks so much Fiona and @zord189 I had fun sharing about my pets! Thanks also for the STEEM!

Welcome! :) Thank you for participating

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