Un silbido por ella: Capitulo Final /// A whistle for her: FInal Chapter /// Original Horror Story ENG/SPA

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)




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Upon entering the stable the whistle he heard minutes before ends, it was obvious the presence of Andres in that place.

A silhouette was observed at the end of the stable, was back to the door, Andrew even with rifle in hand was approaching little by little and in low light he realizes that it was Luis his son. He was hitting something in an inn (the same one used by Andres to dismember the cattle), he quickly drops the rifle and asks Luis what was he doing? Luis turned and Andres was surprised to see that Luis's face was covered with blood, Andres didn't hesitate and ran to the inn put his hands on his head and gave a cry of horror that shook that place ...

In the inn was the body of a woman who is completely naked, had no head and no limbs, Luis recoiled when he saw his father. trying to embrace that inert body. He tried to touch his shoulder.. Andres doesn't let him touch it because he felt hatred, pain and fear.

Andrés' crying was heard throughout the farm while Luis approached him and whispered something to the hatred, Andres quickly released the bloody body and began to look for the head of the body.

He crouched down and his search came to an end, but his pain only deepened when he saw that it was the head of Dona Teresa his wife! Andres couldn't touch it, a pain in his chest cut his breathing, he leaned against the table to get up and looked at the body again, he was not very clear because he had not recognized it before ... it was obvious that that body was not Dona Teresa, was Linda ... Andres could recognize it by the tattoo on his back (The initials names of Luis) Andres quickly analyzes and wonders if the head of Dona Teresa is here, then who was at the time he got up from the bed?

stumbling with everything in its way out of the barn and again the whistle was present only this time because Luis followed with knife in hand went after him, the rain was mixed with the tears of Andres that horrible night.

As he was able to reach the house he opened the door and when he entered he fell to the floor, the pain in his chest worsened, he reached over his shoulder and realized that his son was still following him ... he got up from the floor leaning on the furniture where they were he portrays portraits, his eyes clouded by dizziness, he slowly climbs the stairs, opens the door of the room he shared with Dona Teresa, goes to the bed, and it was there that the horror surpassed the thin line of the atrocious The image was of Dona Teresa's body stuck to Linda's head, the bed was a blood bath.

Andres didn't realize that his clothes also had blood only that the darkness of the night and the thick fog were complices of that night.

While the whistle is approaching the room Andrés with the strong pain, try to find him rifle, but remember that he stayed in the stable. He looked at the door of the room and observed that Luis with a knife in his hand is watching him, already exhausted and tired by the pain he fell into the room with tears in his eyes. He looked at Luis and asked:


Luis responds with a passive voice: "Father I only wanted Mama and Linda to be one, Mama always homelike and faithful to you, Linda young: tender, sweet and you taught me to be perfect"

those were the last words Andrés heard from his son, while his heart stopped and his eyes were open

The whereabouts of Luis today is unknown, if he is alive today he turned 50 years old, maybe just maybe ... he would even be reading this story.

"Perfection is a concept that refers to the condition of what is perfect, what is perfect, on the other hand, is what has no errors, defects or flaws: it is, therefore, something that reached the highest level possible."

Friends, really something perfect exists? Many say that love is, but if this were true, then why does it make us suffer?

Al entrar al establo el silbido que escuhó minutos antes seso, era obvia la presencia de Andrés en aquel lugar.

Una silueta se observaba al final de el establo, se encontraba de espalda a la puerta, Andrés aun con rifle en mano se iba acercando poco a poco y con baja luz se percata que era Luis su hijo. Este se encontraba golpeando algo en un mesón (el mismo que utilizaba Andrés para desmembrar el ganado) rápidamente suelta el rifle y le pregunta a Luis que hacia? Luis volteo y Andrés se asombro al ver que el rostro de Luis estaba cuibierto de sangre, Andrés no dudó y corrió hacia el mesón se coloco las manos en la cabeza y dio un grito de horror que estremeció aquel lugar...

En el mesón estaba el cuerpo de una mujer que es encontraba completamente desnudo, no tenia cabeza y tampoco extremidades, Luis retrocedió al ver a su padre. tratando de abrazar aquel cuerpo inerte. El trató de tocar su hombro (como consolandolo) Andrés no permite que este lo toque pues sentiá odio, dolor y miedo.

El llanto de Andrés se escuchaba en toda la granja mientras que Luis se acerca a él y le susurró algo al odio, Andrés rápidamente suelta el cuerpo ensangrentado y empieza a buscar la cabeza de el cuerpo.

Se agachó y su busqueda llegó a su fin, pero su dolor solo se profundizó al ver que era la cabeza de doña Teresa su esposa!! Andrés no pudo ni tocarla, un dolor en el pecho cortaba su respiración, se apoyo de el mesón para levantarse y observo de nuevo el cuerpo, no tenia muy claro porque no lo habia reconocido antes... era obvio que aquel cuerpo no era de doña teresa, era de Linda... Andrés pudo reconocerlo por el tatuaje que llevaba en su espalda (La iniciales de Luis) Andrés analiza rapidamente y se pregunta si la cabeza de Doña Teresa esta aquí, entonces quien estaba en el momento que se levantó de la cama?

tropezando con todo a su paso salió del establo y de nuevo el silbido se hacia presente solo que esta vez lo seguia pues Luis con cuchillo en mano iba tras de el, la lluvia se confundia con las lagrimas de Andrés esta horrible noche.

Como pudo llego a la casa abrió la puerta y al entrar cayó al suelo, el dolor en el pecho se agudizaba, obnservo sobre su hombro y se dió cuenta que su hijo aún le seguia.. se levanto del suelo apoyandose del mueble donde se encontraban los porta retratos, con la mirada nublosa por el mareo poco a poco sube las escaleras, abre la puerta de la habitación que compartia con doña teresa se dirige a la cama levanta la sabana y fue allí cuando el horror sobrepasó la linea delgada de lo atroz, la imagen era del cuerpo de doña Teresa pegada a la cabeza de Linda, la cama era un baño de sangre.

Andrés no se percató que su ropa también tenia sangre solo que la oscuridad de la noche y la neblina espesa fueron complices de aquella noche.

Mientras el silbido se va acercando a la habitación Andrés con el fuerte dolor, trata de buscar su rifle , pero recuerda que el mismo se quedó en el establo. volvió la mirada a la puerta de la habitación y observó que Luis con cuchillo en mano esta fijamente viendolo, ya rendido y cansado por el dolor cayó al suelño con lagrimas en los ojos mira a Luis y le pregunta:


Luis responde con voz pasiva: "Padre solo queria que mamá y LInda fueran una, Mamá siempre hogareña y fiel a ti, Linda joven: tierna, dulce y tu me enseñastes a ser perfecto"

esas fueron las ultimas palabras que Andrés escuchó de su hijo, mientras que su corazón se detenia y sus ojos quedaban abiertos

EL paradero de Luis hoy se desconoce, si esta vivo hoy cumpliera 50 años, tal vez solo talvez... hasta estaria leyendo esta historia.

"Perfección es un concepto que se refiere a la condición de aquello que es perfecto. Lo perfecto, por su parte, es lo que no tiene errores, defectos o falencias: se trata, por lo tanto, de algo que alcanzó el máximo nivel posible."

Amigos, Amigas realmente existe algo perfecto? muchos dicen que el amor lo es pero si esto fuera cierto, entonces porque nos hace sufrir?

In the beginning everybody create.

In the beginning I create.

In the beginning you create.


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That image is freaking awesome! Is it yours?

No, from Pixabay!!

Wow excelente final y espeluznante, la verdad no hay nada ni nadie perfecto, eso no existe porque todo necesita de mejoras para ir funcionando.

hehehe te gusto ?? :D asi es.

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