Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W6: "Goal setting for the year''




yeah, everyone is a goal setter. but not everyone is a goal achiever. However, that doesn't stop our desire of setting goals and hoping to achieve all.

To those who achieve their goals with ease may think am wrong by saying not everyone will achieve them.
To those who find it difficult to achieve their goals can agree with my opinion.
I invite you to read about my take on....... "GOALS SETTING"

What specific goals did you set for the year?

Every now and then people all over the world encounter losses and progress as well. Some people set goals that they wish to achieved in a particular time frame, where as some of these goals are achieved and some were Left unachieved because of some unforseen circumstances.

Setting of goals to be achieved within given time frame is a tradition to many individuals which i am among this category of believers and my goal this remaining year is to accumulate not less than 500 steempower. Although i was introduced to STEEMIT in less than a month ago but with the aim of achieving this goal i have made it a tradition to blog daily on STEEMIT.

In all my stay in steemit community i have made not less than 20 post in my first month which is not up to one post daily because of my work that consumed almost all my time but i have draw plans on how i will be committed to blogging on daily basis to improve on achieving the desire goal.

So therefore, if i were able to make one post every 24hours with this remaining seven (7) months and it will amount to not less 200 post then i think the 500 sp is possible with consistency and hard work.

How have you worked to achieve your set goal?

Be it big or small the only sure way to achieve your goals or what you wishes in life will be through hard work, puting double effort and swing into action by doing work diligently and consistently is the only way. So in achieving my target i will try to earn more steam power by participating in many contests as i could.

I haven't be good in writing but lately I've been trying to learn how to write and also develop the habit of reading more books to help me flow with the system. Iam also trying to work on correcting those errors and am hoping to improve on those aspect very soon as it will help me in this journey.


How has your goal impacted or will impact others?

Setting of goals and objectives will have impact on many if those goals were achieve within the time frame......It will motivate people around you. They will wish to have same result as you, with this people will tend to study your procedures as to how you were able to achieve success within a time frame.

So achieving my targeted goals on steemit will attract more views to my blog, it will inspire many as well. Newbies will read the inspiring story and it will force them to do more, because they will be influence with how i was able to do it. So when people are influence to work hard and be consistent with their work success will be sure.

How have you benefited from setting and achieving those goals?

I believe that setting those goals will benefits me some day when i achieve them. Because i haven't withdraw or trades on steemit for ones. Setting of goals has some bad effect on us if we set high goals that are impossible to achieve. We will over work ourselves and we are likely to be mental depressed.

So I'm setting 500sp as my target be the year runs out but in absence of achieving the goal 100% i trust that at least 80-90% of my target is sure.

Thank you all for stopping by.

IAM inviting

 last year 

There is no doubt in my mind that you will pass that 500 STEEM in your first year. All that you need to do is to keep on posting, keep on voting, keep on commenting, and keep on powering up.

yeah, everyone is a goal setter. but not everyone is a goal achiever.

With a phrase like this you can only make it!!
Good luck!
Thanks for the invitation.

 last year 

Thanks ma'am, I'm doing my best towards achieving the Targeted goals. Thank you once more mother.

 last year 

Pleasure! ☕

 last year 

I support your goals on steemit, and you are absolutely right that with consistency and hard work, you will be able to achieve your goals...

Keep up the good work and keep active

 last year 

Thank you for the wishes


This post has been upvoted through Steemcurator09.

Team Newcomer- Curation Guidelines for May 2023
Curated by - @ripon0630

 last year 

Thanks for upvoting on my post

 last year 

Congratulations! A 100% upvote from @steemkidss, the official account of steem kids and parents community have been given to this active post as a winner of my week one picture contest. Keep participating and keep winning

 last year 

Thank you @ngoenyi for this we wonderful award i will be forever grateful 💙💃🌹

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