Naga Warrior - SteemMonsters - TrialbyComics First Entry

in #trialbycomics6 years ago

Good evening Steemit!

I leave my first entry for my beloved Trial by Comics contest, this time the theme for this week is #SteemMonsters, I imagine that @kommienezuspadt did not want to be left out of the SteemMonsters fever we have the Steemians. 😜

I love @SteemMonsters cards and if they are accompanied by my favorite contest created by @kommienezuspadt it makes me even happier, so with much more enthusiasm I look for my creativity in a small trunk in my mind, I also look for my sheets and pencils and start to do something about a card of the game that I like, of course, without forgetting to place music.

The card with which I was inspired to make my first entry to the contest, is a card I won in the @SteemMonsters contest called - Naga Warrior - this card is a little like Medusa. I imagine that the game designers were inspired by Medusa for this Card.

It is all for this beautiful night my dear followers and readers, I wish luck to my fellow Steemians who participate in the contest and soon I will upload more drawings of my favorite CryptoGame. Greetings and good evening.

Gif of Drawing Process

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I like details and wonderful green color! 😍

Thank you very much @sweettais for your nice comment

He visto otras personas que van a competir, pero tu dibujo estoy segura que ganara! Quedo genial :D

Gracias amiga, ojala tu deseo se cumpla porque necesito mucho dinero en estos tiempos donde el mercado se encuentra en rojo :(

WOW fantastica adaptacion amiga, me gusta mucho tu version sobre todo la parte del escudo que se mimetisa con el cuerpo de serpiente y parecieran ser dos seres en vez de uno solo , felicitaciones amigas un abrazo.

jejejeje gracias amor, quise jugar con su escudo ya que en la carta no se ve... le invente el diseño con algo que tuviera que ver con lo que es ella.

Impresionante tu ilustración @yanes94

Muchas gracias querida @franciscana23

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