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RE: SEC-S17 /W4| Why do you Prefer Steemit Only?

Oh my wonderful friend, you are one big inspiration and a lovely push to my mild continuous participation on Steemit. As my push used to be @josepha, but he got tired and busy with life, now I get on Steemit and on my notifications there are always Tags from you after I drag myself like an overfed baby, i will constantly remind myself that there are pending assignments from @wakeupkitty that I need to get back to. The way you write many times makes me wonder the ever busy party that happens in your head. You are so creative, I sometimes try to write stories and find myself with only few lines leaving my Marko App with many unfinished work. I wish you continue posting on Steemit so I can constantly be reminded to post also so Steemit will be our very own Autobiography. Where is @Ibesso and my Namesake @aminasafdar, greetings gang members.

 2 months ago 

Steemit is just like a world on its own where as a user you get to learn every day you log into the Steemit platform. According to @wakeupkitty, she has seen something great on the Steemit platform spending most of her hours on Steemit. Ever since I joined Steemit the rate at which I spend on Facebook or WhatsApp reduced because I came to discover such platforms aren't worth my time, but Steemit does.

The more we engage meaningfully, correct, and support one another the more we impact ourselves positively. Keep pushing for the sky is your limit. I am happy that you found friends that are a source of motivation for you.

 2 months ago 

Facebook is the place where you find with us mainly elderly people. I gave up on it years ago (over 10). I do not use whatsapp, no one in my family or friends so there was nothing to reduce.

Like I wrote engaging is for the biggest part fake. Many do not care, they don't answer or it is 'thanks'.
AI written comments are not very inviting and these commenters rarely answer if you respond.

I don't understand what you mean with the more we impact ourselves positively 🤔

My time is precious, I have a life and there's nothing positive about hours reading and commenting (for years) with hardly respond.

I still don't know how many Steemit accounts there are but those I engage and share most with on a frequently bases are in average not even 8 people. 8 out of hundreds or thousands accounts? Or 8 out of a those daily comments, hours of commenting. Isn't that weird?

I hope you met some great people too and enjoy your time on Steemit.
Thanks for reading and commenting.


 2 months ago 

I don't understand what you mean by the more we impact ourselves positively 🤔

I mean if all steemians can forget about using AI for commenting and read through posts before commenting the engagement will be more interesting. Surely if someone drops a comment on your post, there might be something new you might learn from the person.

 2 months ago 

If we all would do that but how many comments are reasonable next to writing and answering replies?
A text should be read with attention, it's reading thinking it over and commenting. If you ask me 3 is more reasonable than 5. With those I engage many write comments longer than the average post. These comments are rarely rewarded. I do it and know some others do but it is a waste of time if not read or all you get is a 'thanks'.

It's better to make a post out of it and leave the link. I did it several times use #comment. This way more people will read it.

A great day to you.

 2 months ago (edited)

@ibesso is in a plane or just arrived back in Italy he will pop up again. About your name-mate I think she's busy. The last time I spoke her it was about religion I wondered and asked but I believe she did not appreciate it as I told about the religions here.
You will always find us in @ italy - photochain, generate a picture about the prompt + writing about it plus there is a story chain (50 words per entry in the commentline).

With the summer on it's way we might be more offline?

I'll be around, tomorrow I hope to write more.
It's good to hear from you again.

P.s. If you find it hard to write lay down or sit and do nothing and the story will come. Just write and next you can see where to post it.


Here I am, @yaladeen, it's nice to meet again. I hope you're doing well. As @wajeupkitty mentioned, I just got back from a trip to see my daughter. It will be nice to catch up in the comments. I wish you a wonderful evening 👋🤗

 2 months ago 

Dear you wrote both our names wrong! You've been away too long.
Do not eat too much pasta and pizza

Merde, mais ce n’est pas possible, comment ai-je pu me tromper, je suis complètement fou.

Stopping over in Brussels to save a few hundred euros was not wise; the beer there is really good.

wake me up kitty!
Too much rest makes me groggy.

Sorry, I’ve corrected the typos.

@wakeupkitty @yaladeeds

 2 months ago 

Ah it was the beer. 🤣

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 maybe this our grandpa needs glasses. Kitty notice everything, Steemit needs to hire a new staff and her name is @wakeupkitty. What is your real name though , never asked do you like cats?

 2 months ago (edited)

I like predators, so cats too.

A Romanian friend said I am naive and shouldn't trust anyone. He said: Wake up Kitty don't be so naive can't you se....
I could tell by email.



You never met Cashmir?

You are not naive and we just can't trust nobody. Being in love is another form of trust, even allowing the doctors to treat is another huge form of trust. Oh Cashmir looks so cute, I love cute animals but love them from a beautiful distance. I am so scared of animals as I can't tell if I am a friend or someone they want to attack or maybe cos if you mistake a letter from my name you will spell animal. But for humans I know they can't just bite me or use claws on me. I love watching fishes swim in their aquarium, it is a beautiful sight. Maybe cos I am born in January representing the Aquarius sign, but dogs I love doodles, they look so cute and unreal, still can't pet non and i love parrot the gossiper 😁

 2 months ago 

The beo is great too but birds can be scary I can tell you if they all attack you like in the book and film 'Birds'

Do you know why animals scare you?

Cats most likely will like you since they prefer those who don't like (and touch?) them. Thry always want to sit on me even the shy or scared on.

Only animals in despair, trapped or with offspring feeling threatened will attack.

Fishes, a tank of fishes is relaxing. An aquarium as a screensaver was popular for a long time.

 2 months ago 

I was busy in attending weddings and visiting my Aunt's town after 13 years.

I didn't have any energy to write and post here. I felt ashamed for doing that.

I'm still trying to create stories or write anything but i feel lethargic. Also i couldn't read much:(

Seems like i need good 10-12hours of sleep each day😴

I feel that, I need 15 hours of sleep, I really don't mind. Oh weddings meaning we have new henna😁, I will have mine next week, I have spoken to Fatti, she will come over and I will take pictures afterwards so you will see

 2 months ago (edited)

See my latest post for new henna design😊

I'm ready to sleep anytime, i used to sleep for 12 hours🤣

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