Helping yourself is the best way to help others!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Funny title I know. Thing is, I have observed too many times in life, that people are often unwilling to help themselves, instead, they prefer to deal with a bad situation until someone else fixes it. I think this type of mentality hinders progress on so many levels.

Yesterday, I was taking an alternate route to leave my house since there was some road work going on where I usually pass. On this new route, I noticed a section that was muddy and filled with water, basically a pothole across the entire path. Some thoughtful individual had put a plank across the hole, in order to pass. Unfortunately, half the plank was also under water.


So, after navigating this treacherous path, I eventually returned home from my trip. I decided to take my spade and go create a small drain, to run off the water, thus solving the problem. I shifted the plank slightly and now people could pass without having to go through a balancing act.

Well, that done I returned home and went about my business. The next day, as I was leaving to go out again, I met a neighbor. Well, more precisely, he stopped his car and held out his hand to me. He shook my hand and thanked me profusely for fixing the path and praised me highly, even his wife was all grinning at me. I’m there like, well, it really was a no biggie but, cool, you’re welcome.

To be honest I was in shock. They were so happy with the five minute task I had done that they were smiling at me from ear to ear. I understand that the previous path was wrought with stress for women especially, but still, it wasn’t that hard to fix. Plus I did it for me! Lol, just goes to show how much people could do for themselves, to improve their lives, if they put in maybe five minutes of effort.

At the same time, it felt really good to be thanked and praised like that, minor and insignificant though the act seemed to me, I made some people really happy xD I feel like looking out for more opportunities like that, where helping myself was also helping others. It may seem like a selfish course, but like I said, half the time people don’t even want to help themselves, far less for others.

I have always felt this way but this sinks the idea in even more. If I want to see something improved in the world around me, I will do it myself and not simply say that it's not my responsibility. Too many persons take this stance even though they themselves can damn well benefit from a simple act. If everyone started helping themselves more and relying on the authorities less, the world could be a much-improved place for all of us.

Thanks for reading :)
All images sourced from



We try so hard to help others, focusing on their needs, that we forget our own. I know of too many couples that have come to me for counseling and the ultimate issue in their relationship was that they were so focused on the other. When they were in a bad mood, when they were sad, their partner took that on as a failure for themselves. When we work on us, we are able to be happy independently, without the requirement of another's support. This means we can spread joy, rather than taking it. It's okay to ask for help, but if the well of worth doesn't start with you, then it's going to be much more difficult. That is my experience, in any case :) Good post!

Couldn't agree with you more. I may have done some self-blaming in the past as well... It does create more problems than necessary.

Well, its true, its impossible to help others until youve helped yourself.... cant lift someone off the ground when youre laying down

Well said.

Interesting topic, I have seen another side of the issue with some folks so burdened and beat down they don't see the tree for the forest. Resteemit to get others into the topic..

There are many sides to this story, looking forward to seeing yours :)

You would be waiting a long time lol, I also self fix myself and find solutions by removing the box... ;-)

Thanks for the love @fulltimegeek !!!!

I'm going to resteem this before dropping my reply

Lovely story, I can totally relate. There really is no feeling comparable to genuine appreciation. None.

Especially when it can just hit you out of the blue xD

Yes, haha! Quick thinking =D

Well done my friend @yakuhi! You are a shining example to us all with all of your positivity here on steemit! :)

It is by small measures and actions such as your own that we will change this world for the better!

Respect!! :{)

Respect to you to bro o/

Bravo to this post! What you speak out is true in many different aspects of life. We blame a lot of this on the government when a lot of the things would have to effect us as much if we took matters into our own hands to better our lives. Awesome, awesome post, the simplicity of taking matters into your own hands for the good of others as well as yourself. We all have a responsibility it's up to you to decided what type of responsibility you want to take on.

The best you can to do is to do what you can!

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