in #animal7 years ago


Cats are the most popular pet in the United States. There are 88 million pet cats. Cats have powerful night vision, allowing them to see at light levels six times lower than what a human needs in order to see. They also have excellent hearing and a powerful sense of smell. When they frown, they are usually "taste-scenting" but they can't taste sweetness. They have an extra organ that with some breathing control it allows the them to taste-sense the air. They don't want to smell your scent in their coats that is why they lick themselves to get your scent off. They actually spend a large amount of time licking their coats to keep them clean. Hearing is also the is the strongest of cat's senses: They can hear sounds as high as 64 kHz , compared with humans, who can hear only as high as 20 kHz. Your cat recognizes your voice but just acts too cool to care (probably because they are).


Cats sleep 70% of their lives. They conserve energy by sleeping for an average of 13 to14 hours a day. Cats originally used the majority of their energy during shorter bouts of hunting for food, so they needed their sleep to conserve energy and recharge. Some cats especially those breeds cats like persians or himalayans can snor but any cat can snore if they are lying in a position where they are relaxed and this is normal.


Cats have flexible bodies and teeth adapted for hunting small animals such as mice and rats. On average cats live for around 12 to 15 years and can jump up to six times its length. Their purr may be a form of self-healing, as it can be a sign of nervousness as well as contentment. Similarly, the frequency of a domestic cat's purr is the same at which muscles and bones repair themselves. Furthermore, female cats are typically right-pawed while male cats are typically left-pawed.


Cats are often lactose intolerant, so stop givin' them milk and did you know that all cartoon cats lied to us: Raw fish is off the table for cats as well.


Domestic cats love to play, this is especially true with kittens who love to chase toys and play fight. Play fighting among kittens may be a way for them to practice and learn skills for hunting and fighting. Older cats can at times act aggressively towards kittens because they can be lethal hunters and very sneaky, when they walk their back paws step almost exactly in the same place as the front paws did beforehand, this keeps noise to a minimum and limits visible tracks. When your they bring home a dead mouse or bird, it may do so to show you that you suck at hunting. Furthermore, when they leave their poop uncovered, it is a sign of aggression to let you know they don't fear you.


A group of cats is called a clowder, a male is called a tom, a female is called a molly or queen while young cats are called kittens. Also, black cats are bad luck in the United States, but they are good luck in the United Kingdom and Australia.

Thats all.


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